I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

I reach down to touch myself. Riley’s eyes follow my hand, then flick to my face.

“You don’t come until I say you do. Understood?”

I nod, placing my tongue flat on my bottom lip. He cups the back of my head in one hand and lines himself up at my lips with the other.

I play with myself as I take my first taste of him. Kissing his tip, I draw my tongue over the slit on the underside of his head as I swirl my fingers over my slick pussy.

Riley watches me with a hard expression. I draw him inside my mouth a little, letting him know I’m ready, and he uses the hand on the back of my head to push himself in even more.


His brows curve upward as he begins to fuck my mouth, rolling his hips back and forth in a tiny thrust. He makes a sound, desperate, needy, and I roll my lips over my teeth and swallow.

“Fuck. Fuck, Legs. Fuck. You’re so fucking perfect.” Holding my head, he fucks my mouth a little harder, rolling his hips so he goes that much deeper. “Lemme have you. Lu, I have to fucking have you.”

The salty taste of his precum coats my tongue. I bob my head, and together we find a rhythm that has him biting his lip.

I’m dying to come. To press my fingers to my clit and fly apart. But I want to make this last. I want to see how far he takes me—how far I can take myself—before I can’t stand it anymore.

I want to cross every line. Push every boundary.

I want more of this freedom.

“Look at you,” he’s saying. “Look how pretty you are, playing with yourself while you suck me off.” He grits his teeth and gives my mouth a vicious thrust that makes me gag. “I want you, Legs. All of you.”

Take me, I tell him with my tongue. My mouth.

My body.

Please, God, take me someplace new.

And he does.

“I’m going to come on your tits,” he says matter-of-factly. “And then I’m going to make you come too. Understood?”

My eyes are watering, but I somehow manage to communicate my emphatic yes with a single look.

Reaching up, I wrap my hand around his root, and together we guide him out of my mouth.

“Spit,” he says, working his wrist as his hand curls over his dick again and again. “I need a little more.”

The sound I make when I do as he tells me is rude.

It’s also hot as hell, watching him use my saliva as the lubrication he needs to finish himself off.

His hips jerk, and ropes of cum explode from his dick. It covers me: chest, breasts, and belly. Part of me thinks it’s obscene, but another part is really, really turned on by it.

His stomach caves. Chest heaves. He’s huge, gasping, the fading light limning the strong lines of his shoulders and arms in a halo of gold.

My knees are killing me. Thighs are trembling with the effort to hold myself up. But then Riley is reaching down and using his thumb to swirl cum over my nipples, and all I feel is yes. Please. More.

“Damn,” he whispers. “You’re still really good at that.”

Electricity bolts from my nipples and lands in my clit. “I had a good teacher.”

“What else can I teach you?”

“What else do you know?”

He gently helps me to my feet. Then lifts me by the hips onto the nearby platform so I’m sitting in front of him.

“It’s funny.” He parts my legs. His nostrils flare when his eyes land on my pussy. “Usually you’re the one showing me new shit.”

“Give yourself more credit. You’ve shown me a lot of new things too.”

Riley drops to his knees, one leg at a time. “Like?”

“Like how good it feels to be—oh.” I see stars when he uses this thumb to open my slit wider, then rolls the pad of that finger over my clit. “To be myself. Not the perfect version I show the world.”

He looks at me. Keeps his gaze locked on mine as he leans in and licks me. My hips rise to meet his mouth, and he presses his tongue inside me, his hands going to my ass to hold me up against him. He sucks on my clit.

I grab onto his hair, legs shaking. The tension in my core is unbearable. The hunger for release—for more—makes me wild.

I want to experience everything with this man. No more vanilla anything. I want to die knowing I left nothing on the table. I tried it all.

Propping myself up with one arm, I reach down with the other to grab Riley’s hand. I guide it to my ass cheek. Then guide it a little farther, so his fingers meet with my crease.

His mouth goes still on my pussy. “You sure, Legs?”


