I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

The three of us, a purple-orange sky, and the dappled plane of the ocean. The water plunks against Dolly’s hull as she rises on a wave. Falls.

My damp hair dances in the warm breeze. Riley tucks it behind my ear. The gentleness of his touch is a startling contrast to the words that come out of his mouth.

“You drove me fucking crazy all day with this bikini”—his hand moves up to untie the knot at the middle of my back—“and that mouth. I’mma make you pay, Legs. But first, lemme put the dog up. Like his namesake, he’s liable to jump on couches and shout like a lunatic the second he sees a pretty girl naked.”

Riley’s back a minute later. His fingers make quick work of the knot at my nape too, and my top falls to the ground. I close my eyes against the arousal that rips through me.

“Someone might see us, you know,” I pant.

He grins. “I know.”

I gasp when Riley cups my breast, kneading it in his hand before plucking the nipple between his thumb and first two fingers.

“Fuuck you’re delicious.” His jaw tightens before his eyes meet mine. “Tell me how wet you are for me.”

I bite my lip against a moan when his hand moves from my breast to my belly. “You tell me.”

His other hand finds my neck. He wraps his fingers around my throat, his thumb resting just beneath my ear.

Eyes locked on mine the whole time.

He knows.

He fucking knows what I like. What turns me on. And he isn’t judging me for it.

He’s giving it to me—the hand on my throat, the dirty talk—without me even having to ask.

“Show me,” he growls.

“But I said—”

“I said fucking show me.” The hand on my neck squeezes. Spots break out in my vision. The need between my legs coils tighter. “Now, Lu.”

I find his hand on my stomach. Cover it with my own and guide it down, down, moving our twined fingers inside the front of my swimsuit bottoms.

He curses when we hit my pubic hair. I nearly jump when our fingers glide between my lips and skate easily over my clit.

I’m swollen, slick. And already so close to coming I could scream.

Riley’s eyes go feral. That muscle in his jaw jumps against his tanned skin. “How long you been like this?”

“A while.” I swallow, and his grip on my throat loosens. “All day. Since I left last night.”

“You touch yourself in your bed?”

I nod, panting. The fingers around my neck grip me harder again.

“You came without me?”

“I thought of you. Only you.”

He slips a finger inside me. I tighten around him. He grits his teeth.

The ocean rushes around us. Breeze tickles the hair that curls out from underneath his hat.

“Show me how you touched yourself.”

I guide his finger deeper inside me. Then I press my own finger to my entrance.

“Like this,” I whisper. “I like it when you fill me.”

He curls his finger, drawing it over my G-spot as he slides it out, in.

Out. And in.

He presses the heel of his palm against me.

Against my clit.

My hips buck. He smirks, withdrawing his hand.

“What the fuck?” I breathe.

But Riley is looking down, focused on untying the strings at my hip. My bottoms join my top on the ground.

His expression is ferocious as he takes in my body. He looks. And looks. Heartbeat after unsteady heartbeat passes.


“No.” He squeezes my throat. “Lemme look. I been wantin’ to do this all damn day, and you ain’t gonna rush me.”

Drawing a reverent hand up my hip and over my side, at last he looks me in the eye. “You’re fucking beautiful, Lu. More beautiful than ever.”

My body is taut with need, everything inside me hard and eager. But my heart? That goes soft.

The combination—the juxtaposition—is overwhelming.

“You are too,” I manage.

His gaze rakes over my face and lands on my mouth. “You still suck dick like you’re dyin’ for it?”

The pulse between my legs blares. “Why don’t you find out?”

Smirking, he lets go of my neck and pushes me roughly onto my knees. The deck bites into my kneecaps, but I’m too distracted watching Riley pull himself out of his swim trunks to notice. “I finally get to shut that fucking smart mouth up. Open, honey.”

He doesn’t take off his swimsuit. Just pulls it down a little, allowing his dick to jut obscenely from the sculpted planes of his hips.

He’s huge, his cock heavy as he fists it and gives himself a quick, hard tug. Brow furrowed like it hurts.

“I said open. Don’t make me ask again.”

Looking up at him, I do as he tells me. The sight of him like this, so obviously on the edge, so hungry for me, sends a new wave of arousal coursing through my skin. This version of Riley—the one with the filthy mouth and obscene demands—is totally different from the sweet, thoughtful Riley I know outside the bedroom, and I am totally here for it. We played around with this stuff as kids. I loved it then, but I really love it now, because Riley’s graduated from PG dom to capital-R dom.


