I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

There’s a small pinch between my legs when he moves. I wince.


“Going to be, yeah.”

He pushes up onto his hands above me, the muscles in his arms and chest bulging. “Maybe I want you sore.”

“That’s kind of fucked up.”

He smirks. “Turns you on, though, doesn’t it? Knowing I want you to remember me every time you take a step?”

Turning my head, I give his chest a playful shove. It’s weird—and hot, so freaking hot—how well he still knows me after all this time.

I don’t realize I’m shaking until I try to stand. I grab onto the bedside table. Riley leaps to his feet beside me, forehead creased as he curls a steadying arm around my waist. “You really are sore.”

“It’s not that. It’s just . . .” You fucked me so well—you see me so clearly—I’m having a hard time calming down.

“I got you, Lu. C’mon.”

Despite my protests that I’m good, I’m fine, I just need a minute, he helps me to the bathroom. I don’t ask for privacy and he doesn’t give me any. I feel like I should be embarrassed, mostly because Patrick would’ve been beyond grossed out.

But I’m not with Patrick, and I’m not embarrassed. I take care of my business and Riley takes care of his. I’m transfixed by the way the sides of his bulbous ass cheeks hollow out when he carefully removes the condom and, tying it off, drops it in the trash.

Turning around, his gaze collides with mine. “How’s your back feeling?”

Blinking, I rake my gaze over his body. His cock hangs heavily between his legs. Pink head. Neat nest of dark pubic hair at the root.

Everything about this man is gorgeous.

I lick my lips. “How’d you know my back is bothering me?”

“I pay attention. How ’bout I pour you a drink and work that out for you?”

My eyes flick to his. It’s obvious he’s trying hard to win me over.

Not gonna lie, part of me is dying to be won. Not in the sense of being a prize. But maybe being prized as a whole human being.

I’m at my messiest right now. I’m not making great choices. I’m getting wasted at bars and puking in bushes, for crying out loud.

But Riley doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seems quite literally turned on by my chaos.

I tried so hard to be perfect for Patrick. Always neat, always working, always available.

With Riley, though? I don’t have to try at all. And he still wants me to stick around.

“Don’t make me a drink.” I head for the door. “Whatever you’re having is fine.”

“Yes ma’am.”

I throw him a look over my shoulder as we head back to the bedroom. “So polite after being so very rude.”

He grabs my ass, giving it a hard pinch that makes me yelp. “You ain’t seen rude yet, princess.”

My nipples tighten. I’m getting turned on all over again. Guess six months of no sex—and years of so-so sex—will do that to you.

In the bedroom, I bend down to pick up my dress and underwear while Riley pulls on his shorts and zips up the fly. He shakes his head when he sees me putting on my bra.

“Nu-uh. You can put on your panties, but that’s it. You’re at my place, you’re not wearing clothes.”

Pressure builds between my legs. I hold up my lacy thong. “I only get to wear this while you wear those?” I nod at his shorts.

He lifts a massive shoulder. “Life ain’t fair.”

I feel very naked, and very turned on, as I follow him to the kitchen. He pops the tops off a pair of Topo-Chico bottles and nods at the cozy looking sofa beneath his infamous bookshelf.

“Sit facing the wall so I can get at your back.”

I do as he tells me, body lighting up at the prospect of having his hands on me again. This time for a back rub.

He hands me the Topo-Chico. I sip, listening to the rain. It’s coming down in sheets now. A steady, soaking summer shower.

I nearly hiss with pleasure when he puts his hands on my lower back. Closing my eyes, I drop my head as he presses his thumbs into my sore muscles, drawing slow, steady circles with deepening pressure.

The pleasure is so exquisite it makes my toes curl. Literally.

“What’s all this tension about?” he asks.

I bite my lip when he hits an especially sore spot. “Where do I begin?”

“Start with the blonde hair.”

Going right for the heart of the matter, then.

For a second, I hesitate. Close my eyes. This is all happening so fast. Should I open up to Riley? Should I believe him? Yes, I bared my body to him. But am I ready to bare my soul too?

I need to be smart. Play it safe. I just got badly burned by a man I trusted with my whole being. I need to have my guard up.


