I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

Her turn to get high.

Back in the day, we were religious about using condoms. But I don’t want to fuck with them now. She’s it for me. I’m ready to draw that line in the sand.

She’s not, though. And wasn’t I just preaching to Tuck about baby steps? Fucking Lu Wade bare is not a baby step.

So I grab a condom from the drawer in the bedside table and toss it to her. She always liked putting them on for me. “Do it right.”

Without missing a beat, she sits up and carefully opens the packet. I get on my knees in front of her and fist my dick. The contact of my hand alone is overwhelming. How am I going to not explode when it’s her wrapped around me?

Lu carefully swats my hand away, replacing it with her own. Tongue pressed to the corner of her mouth in concentration, she begins to roll on the condom. I curse when she leans in and sucks my latex-covered tip into the warm heaven of her mouth.

Her eyes flick to meet mine. They’re dark. Hot.

Cupping her chin, I say, “See? Dirty. I like that, princess. I like it a lot.”

Now she’s the one fisting my dick as she rolls on the condom. She works her hand while she sucks with her mouth. Pressure builds in my balls. The base of my spine.

“Enough.” I pull out of her mouth and gently push her back down onto the bed. “You’re too fucking good at that.”

Lu thumbs a string of saliva off her bottom lip as she looks up at me. “I know.”

I grab her leg and bend it, pressing her knee to her chest. “Remember our bet. You come, you keep the cart.”

“Make me come and we’ll talk.”

It kills me not to kiss her as I press my tip to her clit. I wanna taste her. Feel her rise into my caress again.

Baby steps.

The feel of her soft, tight heat pressing against me has me seeing stars. I circle her clit once, twice. Her tits rise on an inhale as her eyes roll to the back of her head.

Then I notch myself at her entrance. “I ain’t going slow unless you ask me to. Right now, princess. You gotta say the words or—”

“Or what?”

Reaching up to cup her breast, I thumb her nipple at the same moment I draw my hips back, then slam into her in a single, vicious thrust.

“Or I’m going to do that,” I growl. “Fuck, honey, you’re tight.”

The muscles in my lower back and legs spasm at the feel of her stretching to fit me. She gasps, eyes flying open, and grabs onto me. Fingers curling into my sides, making goosebumps break out on my arms.

Her gaze catches on mine. For a full beat the world dissolves, leaving behind only stillness. Pure sensation. Her grip on me. Her belly pressed against mine. The soft brown of her irises, clear and hungry.

The truth of her desire—the fact that she’s allowing me to see it—makes it hard to breathe.

We float there for as long as the need of our bodies allows. It feels so fucking good to just be with her.

Just be, period. No striving. Proving. Doing.

Her eyes move to my mouth. My pulse skips. She gonna let me kiss her?

“I . . . forgot how good this feels,” she whispers.

Her words give me a mushy feeling in my chest. I don’t wanna scare her. Come on too strong. So I joke, “Being with me?”


My turn to blink. “Been a while?”

“Yeah.” She closes her eyes. I wait for her to explain.

She doesn’t.

So I duck my head and take her nipple into my mouth. Give it a gentle suck. “I’ll go slow to make up for lost time, then.”

“Can hate sex be slow?” She cracks open an eye. One side of her mouth quirks upward.

“Can be whatever the hell we want, princess.”

I lock eyes with her. And then, at the same moment, we begin to move.

Muscle memory at work again.

It quickly becomes a hard fuck. I thrust and she meets me, our bodies coming together with a rude slap. The angle allows me to go slow but deep. It’s a workout, holding back. Carving sharp, steady circles with my pelvis.

But she likes it, so I do it. Gladly.

I know she wanted to keep it as impersonal as possible with the no-kissing bullshit. But that means we look at each other the whole time.

And that somehow makes it feel more intimate than kissing ever could. I read her thoughts as they flicker across her face. More, her lips say when they fall open after I swivel my hips.

I give her more.

Yes, her eyes tell me when I reach between us to thumb her clit.

So I roll my thumb over her swollen flesh again and again. Her pussy clamps down on me. Nails dig into my sides.


