I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

“I’m not.”

“You should be.”

She climbs onto all fours, ass toward me, affording me a view of her pussy and asshole that nearly gives me a goddamn heart attack. “Like you even know what to do with that thing.”

I bite the inside of my cheek. She’s baiting me, and I fucking love it.

“Those are fightin’ words, princess. Keep talking shit, and I’m gonna put this in your mouth to keep you quiet. Got it?”

“You’re the one who keeps talking.” She arches her back, making her glistening slit blossom. “You said you wanna give me something back, so give.”

Challenge accepted.

“You still like it when I do this?” I glide my hand up to her throat. Give it a gentle squeeze. Her whole body convulses. “Aw, yeah, princess, you definitely like it when I do that. Good to know.”

She reaches up and grabs my wrist. “Riley . . .”

I loosen my grip. “Too much?”

“No. It’s just . . . I haven’t done that in a while.”

“Why not?” I furrow my brow. She used to love this.

More than anything, she loved trying new shit. Her open-mindedness was one of the things I liked most about her.

Made me want to push myself to try new things too.

“Feels a little, I don’t know . . . dirty, I guess?”

“Last I checked, you didn’t mind dirty. In fact, you liked it.” I firm my hand on her throat again. “And I loved that you liked it.”

She relaxes into my touch the tiniest bit.

“Don’t tell me your ex—”

“I don’t want to talk about him.” She closes her eyes. Takes a breath. “Yes, I like that. And yes, I want you to do it again.”

It’s obvious her ex didn’t make her feel safe to express her needs, her desires. Seriously, the more I hear about this guy, the more I despise him. But I clearly do make her feel safe. Nice knowing I’m still capable of that.

“Yes ma’am.” I climb onto the bed behind her and put a hand on her back between her shoulder blades. I press her torso down onto the mattress so that she’s on her elbows, angling her ass farther up into the air. “There we go, princess. Gimme all of you. Since you won’t let me kiss your mouth, I’m gonna kiss you here.” I press my thumb to her clit. “I’mma do it well too. I’m gonna bring you to the edge, but you ain’t goin’ over until I say you do. Got it?”

Her pelvis rocks into my touch. “If that’s what I want, sure.”

I don’t know if this is my first shot at pleasing Lu or my last. I’m not holding back.

This is all about giving her what she needs.

Judging by her hunger—both literal and figurative—she needs a lot.

So I lean in. I nose her slit, inhaling her salty-sweet scent. I hear the sheets rustle as she gathers them in her hands. I grab her leg and move it so she’s spread wider, and then I press my tongue to her clit. I give her a deep, savage lick, front to back, before I gather her clit between my lips and suck.

She cries out. Not my name. Not yet.

But she’s rolling her hips into my mouth.

She’s panting.

She’s here, totally present. No holding back. No shame.

Fuck. Yes.

I eat her pussy like I mean it. Circling the tip of my tongue over her clit. Licking inside her. I nip at her flesh. Suck on her. Thumb her slick heat to hold her open wider.

“Fuckin’ delicious.” I kiss her clit. “You’re perfect, princess.”

Lu moans. Her legs begin to shake. “Riley.”

“Talk to me.” I slip a finger inside her.

“Just like—oh.”

I nick her clit with my teeth. She jerks, head popping up. Both legs are shaking now.

Slipping a second finger inside her pussy, I feel her flutter around me. My lungs contract.

“Aw, yeah, you’re definitely close. Good girl for telling me.” Straightening, I grasp her hips and roughly spin her onto her back.

Her tits bounce. She gasps, mouth falling open to form a perfect o. For a second I contemplate putting myself there. Girl could suck dick. Turned her on, being in control.

I decide to bet on myself and wait on that. Tonight is about her. We can practice giving head tomorrow, after the party. I’ll ask her to stay. Then I’ll ask her to get on her knees and swallow.

Groaning, I bite the inside of my cheek and take a short, hot breath through my nose.

I will not come before I’m inside her.

I will make this last.

I will make sure she’s sore so she remembers who fucks her right.

I’ll make her remember who she really is. Not the accomplished, upstanding blonde person. But this messy, horny, curious woman who’s allowing herself to unravel in my bed.

One hell of a mission, sure.

But I didn’t go from boat boy to successful businessman by playing it safe. I aimed high. Landed higher.


