I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

Her face crumples all over again. I step forward at the same time she steps toward me.

My stomach bottoms out.

“Fuck you,” she whispers.

My heart falls. “Lu, I’m begging you—"

“Fuck.” She flattens her palm against my stomach. “You.”

My body ignites at her touch. When she moves that hand lower, eyes flicking to my mouth, my dick throbs.

Holy shit, is this happening?

Did I finally break through to her?

“This mean you’re gonna keep the golf cart?” I ask hoarsely.

She bites her lip. “I don’t know what this means. I just—let me work it out the way I want to.”

I lean in. Imagine slanting my mouth over the lush softness of hers. “I’m all yours, princess. But let’s make a deal. I make you come on my dick, you keep the golf cart and the tickets. You don’t come, I take it all back.”

Her nostrils flare. The rain comes down harder. “No kissing.”

My blood roars. “That’s fucking stupid.”

“It’s what I want.”

“I don’t love it.”

“You’re not supposed to love it. This is hate sex. Your words, not mine.”

I draw a sharp breath through my nose. “So you still hate me.”

“Yes. That gonna be a problem?” Her hand is on the waistband of my shorts now.

Damn her.

“Naw, princess, that ain’t gonna be a problem. Always liked a challenge. Now let’s get you inside already.”

Then l curl my hand around the nape of her neck and stalk below deck. Tom, being Tom, follows us. Love my dog, but he keeps interrupting the action. I put him in his crate and head to my cabin at the front of the boat. Heart thundering the whole time, its hard, insistent beat echoing my thoughts.

Holy. Fucking shit. Lu Wade. Is here.

And I’m gonna make her lose her damn mind.

The exhaustion I saw in her, the defeat. The hunger. I’mma take care of all that shit. Maybe then she’ll believe me when I tell her I did what I had to ten years ago. And I’m going to do what I have to do now to win her back.

I always loved making the prim and proper country club girl in her come apart.

Can’t wait to do it again.

She bounces on the mattress when I throw her on the bed. I turn off the lights and whip off my hat, which is soaked. Then I light that new candle I set on my bedside table. Her dark eyes are liquid in the dim light.

They catch on me. I reach behind me to grab the collar of my shirt and take it off. Her lips part on an exhale. “Jesus.”

I run a hand over my stomach. “Hate me more?”

“I do, yeah.” She licks her lips, transfixed. “How do you look like this at almost thirty?”

Lifting a shoulder, I reach down to run my hands up her thighs. “Surfing. Sobriety.”

Her breath catches when I push her dress up and hook my fingers in the lacy band of her panties. Even they’re soaked from the rain. I pull them down.

Suck in a breath at the sight of her pussy.

It’s neatly groomed, a landing strip of dark hair leading my eyes to the apex of her slit, where her clit peeks through.

Blood surges to my dick.

“Bet you came here wet, didn’t you?”

Her brows curve upward, like she’s in pain. “Why don’t you find out?”

Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I put a hand on the inside of her thigh and guide her a little wider. She opens for me.

I groan.

“You got such a pretty pussy, princess.” I gently roll my thumb over her clit. Then I move lower. Move easily through her swollen slickness.

She’s drenched. My mind races. That mean what I think it does?

“Fuck,” I bite out. “When was the last time you were taken care of? Properly, I mean?”

Her hips roll into my touch as I dip the tip of my thumb inside her tight heat. “Too long.”

My heart contracts. Where the fuck was this ex-fiancé of hers? “I can tell. I’m gonna fix that.”

“So do it.” She’s panting now. “Properly, I mean.”

“Ain’t nothin’ proper about what I’m gonna do to you. Now get on your hands and knees.”

Her eyes go wide. “But I like—”

“Give me what I ask for so you can take what you need. The dress comes off, Lu. Everything comes off.”

I stand, watching her undress while I do the same.

My body ignites at the sight of her nakedness. She’s thinner than I remember, but her tits are gorgeously full. Nipples pink and puffy. Just begging to be sucked. And the sweet slope of her belly that curves into hips, both of them marked with tan lines—

Yeah, my hands are definitely shaking as I shuck off my boxers. Lu’s eyes go hazy when she sees my dick.

I take it in my hand. Give myself a long, lazy stroke, like I’m not about to blackout from the need to bury myself inside her immediately. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid.”


