I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

My heart thumps. I don’t know why I’m nervous.

No, scratch that. I’m not nervous because Mom clearly knows I slept at a guy’s house last night.

I’m nervous because she might not approve of my choice of said guy. He’s not Patrick. And she loved Patrick.

Really, she loved that I was with someone safe and stable, so I could live a safe and stable life. A life like hers, with a man like my dad.

My ex-fiancé was familiar to Dad in so many ways. He holds down a big job at a big firm. His family moves in the same circles as mine. He spends his days climbing the corporate ladder and encouraged me to do the same, which is what Mom did at my age.

But Riley? He’s encouraging me to chase after dreams that are not at all familiar to Mom. She doesn’t love books the way I do. She cooks, and she has an appreciation for good food. But only inasmuch as it feeds the family she’s dedicated her life to. And in her mind—Dad’s too—a job’s primary aim isn’t to fulfill you. It’s to provide security and stability.

Life as an author or a restaurant owner is the least stable thing I can think of. Would I embarrass my parents by choosing that path? Worse, disappoint them?

Riley may be rich as sin, but that doesn’t mean he’s a safe choice. Or a stable one, considering our history.

I know I’m leaping twenty steps ahead. I haven’t even thought about quitting my job at The Gibbes Group. But what if I did grow a pair and write the cookbook?

What if it does well?

“Fun party?”

I blink, shaking that terrifying—thrilling—thought from my head. “Very, yes. Goldie and Cooper were so happy. A good crew showed up, and we obviously got a gorgeous day.”

“I’m worried about the weather they’ll get tomorrow.” Mom frowns. “Do they have a backup plan?”

I suck in a breath through my teeth. “Not really. The ballroom at the club is already booked for another event. The event manager said they could tent everything, no problem.”

“With the wind they get out there at Frying Pan Shoals?” Mom grimaces.

“I know.”

Mom’s eyes flick to my bikini. “And Riley? How are things with him?”

“Good.” I plop into the chair beside hers. “Really good.”

Mom opens her mouth, then closes it. Opens it again. “I don’t mean to judge—”

“But you think I’m moving on too quickly from Patrick.” My face is on fire now. “Mom, I spent one night at Riley’s. It’s not like I’m jumping into another relationship.”

Am I, though?

“Two. Two nights. You took an awfully long time coming home night before last. Don’t think I didn’t hear Lady catcalling y’all.”

She has a point. I inhale. Blow out a breath.

In for a penny, in for a pound.

“So, listen. Riley and I—we dated the entire summer he lived here ten years ago. We were in love, but we kept it from everybody because we didn’t want his mom getting in trouble. He broke it off at the end of the summer, which is the real reason why—”

“You never wanted to come back to the island. Wow.” Mom’s mouth hangs open. The magazine slides off her lap as she reaches over to cover my hand with her own. “Wow, Louise, I . . . don’t know what to say.”

I swallow the lump in my throat. “You don’t have to say anything. I’m just telling you now because that might explain why I’m spending so much time with him. He said he made a big mistake breaking up with me. He thought he didn’t deserve me. Then he spent the next ten years trying to win me back. Everything’s different now, and I think—” I swallow again, tears pricking my eyes. Damn it, I am annoyingly in my feelings this week.

So. Many. Freaking feelings, all of them big and scary and real.

“Think what?”

“I think he’s helping me find my way back to myself.” My voice cracks. “Being with Patrick—I got lost.”

Mom scoffs. “Lost? But you’ve been doing so well, sweetheart. Everyone loves you at work, and you have your beautiful house and all your friends—”

“It looks perfect. But it feels . . . not great if I’m being honest.”

“You’re only saying that because Patrick broke your heart.”

I shake my head. “That’s not it. Well, that’s not the only reason I feel the way I do. Riley—he’s made all his big dreams come true. Really wild stuff we came up with, he’s made happen. It’s reminded me I haven’t even scratched the surface of the things I said I’d do.”

“Like what?” Mom scrunches her brow. “Your life looks pretty dreamy to me.”

“It is dreamy. I’m just not sure it’s entirely my dream.”

“Not everyone can live on a yacht, Louise.”

I sniff, wiping away a tear. “Riley never set out to live on a yacht. He just wanted control of his life. He wanted to make Bald Head a better place. Better food, better shopping. Great service and beautiful homes. And he did all that. Dolly is just a happy by-product.”


