I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

I nod.

Riley grins. “All right then. Lie down.”

I do as he tells me, anticipation zipping through my veins. Staying on his knees, he places my feet on the platform and spreads them wide.

“Tell me if it’s too much.” He’s rolling his thumb over my clit again. Then that thumb moves down my slit, gathering moisture as he goes lower.

Lower still.

He gently presses it against my rim. Pleasure ripples through my core at the unexpectedness of it. The lewdness.

I cup my breast and play with my nipple. It’s the sweetest torture, baring myself to him this way. Feeling the prickle of the sun on my skin. I’ll be sunburnt tomorrow, but I don’t care.

He circles his thumb, increasing the pressure. At the same time, he leans in and sucks on my clit.

I cry out.

“More,” I pant.

“Yes ma’am.” He presses inside me just the tiniest bit. Mouth still on my pussy.

My legs are shaking violently. I squeeze my eyes shut, but the sun still burns through my closed eyelids.


Leaning back, he brings his other hand to my pussy and slaps my clit.

Literally slaps me.

Then he soothes the sting with his tongue.

I come apart. The orgasm thunders through me, and my entire body rises on the wave. It wrenches every thought from my head, the control I have over my limbs.

I have no choice but to surrender.

I’m gasping for air when I feel him climb over me. He slants his mouth over mine, capturing my pants in a bruising kiss that simultaneously sucks all the oxygen out of my body and fills my lungs with life.

The kiss I give him is messy and wild, my teeth catching on his. He laughs into my mouth, the sound a welcome balm to the riot happening inside my skin.

My chest.

My heart.

I’m still sticky with his cum, but he presses his torso to mine anyway. I feel his dick nudging my belly.

“Holy shit.” I reach down to find him. “Are you hard again?”

He nuzzles his nose against mine. “Getting there. Please tell me you’ve been tested recently.”

I go still. Open my eyes to see him looking intently at me.

What he’s asking—it should terrify me. I had a narrow miss with the headaches unprotected sex can bring. I was scared shitless, and for good reason.

I never want to be in that position again.

Only the idea of having nothing between Riley and me is arousing in the extreme.

Am I stupid to trust him? Or does this feel right because it is right?

Rummaging around inside my gut, I’m surprised to find certainty. Certainty that Riley wouldn’t ever put me at risk the way Patrick did.

Don’t forget they both broke your heart.

But maybe Riley is the one to put it back together.

Or maybe I’m the one doing that by letting him in. Trusting him. Showing him what I like, what I want, without worrying about him abandoning me.

“I have. Very recently, as a matter of fact.” I let out a mirthless chuckle. “And I’m on the pill.”

He smiles. “I was tested last month. You’re the first person I’ve been with since then. We good?”

My heart drums inside my chest. “We’re good.”



Head over Feet

We make out until I’m fully hard again. Doesn’t take long. The idea of fucking Lu bare gets me there in no time at all.

I nudge her legs open with my knee and line myself up against her entrance. She’s still soaking wet and soft, and I glide inside her easily on a slow, easy stroke that has both of us gasping.

It’s absurd, how good this sex already is. Like we picked up right where we left off a decade ago when we were horny teenagers.

“You feel so good, Legs.” I begin to fuck her in earnest, reveling in the feel of her bare pussy, hot and tight around me. “So. Fucking. Good.”

She grabs onto my ass to guide me deeper, raising her hips. “You too. Riley—God, I’m so . . .”

I kiss her mouth. “So what?”

“So happy.” It comes out as a whisper against my lips.

Grabbing onto her hip, I roll us over so I’m on the padded platform on my back and she’s on top. I somehow manage to yank off my hat. It makes me slip out of her, but Lu doesn’t miss a beat. She gets up on her knees and guides me back to her center. Then she sinks onto me, hands on my stomach as she adjusts to the feel of me.

I take one of those hands in mine. Help her use it to gain a little leverage so she can rock her hips.

My orgasm is coming fast and hard, but I grit my teeth and offer up a silent prayer to make this last.

The heat of the day is fading. I still sweat. How could I not, watching this beautiful girl ride my dick like she was born to do it?


