I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

Her tits bounce as she moves. My cum shimmers on her skin. It’s drying, becoming a pearlescent glow.

I didn’t think I was usually into that kind of thing. But seeing how unafraid Lu is to try new things—how open-minded she is—made me want to give it a go.

And yeah, some caveman part of me wanted to mark her. Make her mine in a primal way I don’t quite understand yet.

All I know is my heart’s beating loud and strong inside my chest. A drumbeat of desire. Joy.

Then she’s getting on all fours. I slip out of her and groan at the loss of contact, following her to get back inside her as quickly as possible. Lu throws me a saucy look over her shoulder. I pull open her ass cheek and use my thumb to play with her rim. She bites her lips, arching her back so her ass presses into my touch.

“You ever been fucked here before?”

Her eyes are heavy-lidded when she replies, “Be my first?”

I bite the inside of my cheek. Hang my head.

“What?” she asks. “Riley, I didn’t mean—”

“Stop.” I hold up my hand. “I’m just—I’m struggling not to come all over the place. I’m so into you being into . . . well, that. We’re just gonna need lube. And I’m gonna need to get you ready. Later?”

Lu grins. “Later.”

I notch myself at the entrance to her pussy and push inside. Three strokes later I come, pulling out on the last pulse so I can watch my cum leak out of her body.

I use my other thumb to spread it over her pussy. “So beautiful. Think you can come again?”

“Worth a try,” she pants.

Using my cum as extra lube, I play with her clit until she shudders and falls onto her elbows. I catch her with an arm around her middle, and pull her up against me so I can hold her while she comes.

She breathes hard, her back to my front. Her hair is everywhere.

So is my semen.

I kiss her shoulder. “Let’s go for a swim. Get you cleaned off.”

She nods, still breathless. “We’re so messy when we do this.”

“The mess is what makes it good.”

I smile when Lu doesn’t even try to put her bathing suit back on. She knows better. Instead, I watch her dive naked into the ocean. An arc of golden skin and lean muscle.

She emerges from the water and smiles at me. One eye screwed up against the sun that glints off the ocean. It’s like a sheet of glass now, calm. A mirror that reflects the incredible sunset happening on the distant horizon.

“I can’t get you messy again if you don’t get clean first!” she calls.

Smiling, I jump in after her. A cannonball that sends a wall of water into her face. The water is just cool enough to be refreshing.

“Jerk!” She splashes me back.

I reach for her face, licking the salt off her lips. “A little payback for almost sending me into cardiac arrest.”

“The butt stuff?”

Wrapping my arms around her waist, I hold her against me, staying afloat by kicking my legs hard. Her bare tits are slick against my chest. “And the head. And letting me come all over you.”

“You’re welcome.” Now her eyes are smiling too.

I nip at her neck. She giggles, swatting me away. “Thank you for trusting me.”

She searches my gaze. “Thank you for having such a beautiful dick.”

I burst out laughing and so does she. Then she’s climbing onto my shoulders and shoving me under the water. I take her with me. I glide my hand up the furrow of her spine. Her hair floats into my face, brushing my cheek.

For a long beat we linger beneath the water’s surface. I hold her and she lets me, our legs tangled as we kick to keep from sinking.

It’s quiet. So quiet the only sound I can hear is the thump of my pulse.

I hold her against me. Pray like hell this ain’t the last time we get to do this.

We come up for air together. Open our eyes at the same time. Her hair is plastered against her head.

She’s naked and she’s smiling. We’re swimming in the same stretch of ocean we’d escape to all those midnights we stole.

Only this time, I know better than to let the world push me around.

I know better than to let a girl like her go.

Later, when it’s dark, I call the crew to take us back to the marina. While we wait, I bring Lu below deck to one of the guest bedrooms.

Her eyes go wide when she takes in the neat stacks of books set out on the bed.

“What’s this?” she asks.

I put a hand on the small of her back and gently push her closer. “I scoured the bestseller lists this morning and ordered you the top fifty cookbooks. Thought they’d be good inspiration. Probably come in handy as research too.”


