I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

Ah. The break-up with her fiancé. Another reason why this could very well just be a short-term fling, and not the forever kinda commitment I’m looking for.

“But you feel turned around.”

Her eyes toggle between mine. “Yes. Right now, though . . .” A beat. Another. I feel the pull between us, the tension, in my core. “I’m so sorry things went down the way they did that summer. Seems like such a waste now. Everything we missed out on . . .”

“Don’t you dare apologize for sins I committed. That shit’s on me, all right?” My voice is rough. I palm her breast, making her breath catch. “Let me keep making it up to you. Stay.”

“I should go.”

“Stay, Legs.”

Her cheeks go pink at the endearment. “But my mom—my aunt—they’ll wonder where I am—”

“Tell them you’re spending the night with me.”


“You’re almost thirty, Lu. You’re allowed to have sex and sleep at other peoples’ houses. How about you do what you want for once and not think about anybody else?”

She puts her hand on my chest. “I need a little time to digest everything.”

“Far enough. But tomorrow, bring an overnight bag to the bachelorette party.” I thumb her nipple. “Actually, don’t. Clothes not allowed after sundown. I got an extra toothbrush if you need it.”

She smiles. “Of course you do.”

Despite the fact that Lu did indeed come on my dick not once, but twice, I still have a hard time convincing her to take the new golf cart and the Stevie Nicks tickets.

I zip on the cart’s rain panels and make the short drive to her family’s house with her to make sure the cart ends up where it belongs. Tom insisted on coming with us, so I put on his rain jacket and helped him up onto the backseat. Then I put the tickets back into the cupholder.

It’s dark now. Rain’s still coming down, hard. Rhianna is on the radio. I’m pulling up to the Gibbes’s house, careful to keep the headlights out of the windows.

My body still rings with lust at the memory of being on top of hers.

I feel as wild and alive and content as I did at eighteen. Like everything is possible.

Anything can happen.

Beside me, Lu scoffs. “Everything and nothing’s changed.”

“I was just thinking the same thing.” I turn the cart off when we’re in the driveway.

Rain pelts the cart’s roof. My heart is pounding.

Keeping my hands on the wheel, I turn my head to look at Lu. Even in the dark I can see how swollen her lips are.

“Is this real, Riley?” she whispers.

I dip my head and begin to bounce my knee. “It is for me.”

Her gaze moves to my legs. “What’s wrong?”

“I wanna touch you bad, honey. But I know your mama’s probably looking out them windows up there”—I nod at the house—“and I wanna do this right. Which means no makin’ out with you in your parents’ driveway.”

She grins. “Fuck that.”

And then she grabs the back of my head and pulls me in for a kiss. Tongue and everything.

Laughter erupts in my chest, even as my dick twitches. Goddamn, am I ever gonna get my fill of this girl?

“Bow chicka bow wow!”

I go still at the sound of the cat call. Turning away from Lu, I see Aunt Lady waving at us from the front porch, a shit-eating grin on her face.

“Jesus Christ,” Lu groans, hiding her face in my chest. “Boundaries. My family needs some.”

“Sorry, y’all, I had to! I’ll leave you alone now,” Aunt Lady is calling.

“She’s lying,” Lu says.

I kiss the top of her head. “I’ll walk you in.”

“I apologize in advance for anything she says.” Lu tilts her head at her aunt, who’s now holding up her wine glass to us.

I grab the umbrella I had Tuck leave in the cart, and I hold it over Lu’s head as we scurry toward the porch. Along the way I manage to slip the tickets into Lu’s pocket. I’m pretty sure she notices, but she pretends not to. Tom whines from the backseat, but by some miracle he stays put. I don’t want him out in the rain any longer than he has to be.

Lady’s waiting for us on the porch. She’s smiling.

“Well, hello, you two. Don’t you look . . .” Her eyes catch on Lu’s wild hair. “Like you just had lots of sex on Riley’s pussy magnet of a boat.”

“Lady!” Lu hisses as she hops up the steps.

Laughing, I follow her. I fold up the umbrella once we’re on the porch. “Hey, Lady.” I kiss her cheek. “Dolly sure is sexy, isn’t she?”

“I’d drop trou for a ride, sure.”

“Oh my God,” Lu is saying.

“Always a pleasure to see you, Mr. Dixon. Y’all have fun? Wait, why even ask that question? Of course y’all had fun.” She narrows her eyes at a spot on my neck. “Is that a hickey?”


