I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

How in the span of one short week she made herself right at home in my, well, home, I don’t know. But she did it. I already feel fucking wrecked knowing she won’t be here Monday morning.

Taking a deep breath, I continue to caffeinate as I wait for the replies to my texts. Abel is first. Then Marianne and Tuck. Mom is next; after her, I hear from Woody at Baity’s.

Interestingly, Joe and Lady respond within thirty seconds of each other. Probably because they’re reading their phones together in bed.

I smile at the thought, even as I feel a pinch in my chest. I ain’t the jealous type. But yeah, I’m jealous of the fact that they live close enough to one another that they don’t have to make any big decisions yet. They don’t have a fucked-up history to contend with. Sins to atone for.

They get to be together, simple as that.

If only it were so simple with me and Lu.

Could be.

I’m able to cobble together a kinda-sorta plan for the wedding by the time I finish my first cup. Time to call Coop.

He picks up on the first ring. “Dude.”

“I know.”


“I know. This sucks. But I have a plan.”

Cooper lets out a long, low sigh. I can see him pulling his thumb and forefinger across his eyes. “I can’t thank you enough. We’re in . . . bad shape over here.” He starts to whisper. “Can’t tell if Goldie’s nauseous because she’s nervous or it’s the baby or what. But I need a miracle.”

“You need me. Take care of your blushing bride. With your permission, I’ll handle it from here.”

“You got it. Let us know what you need?”

“Start a phone tree. Text bush. Whatever the fuck they’re calling it these days. We have a change of venue—we’re moving the wedding to 12 Row Boat Row.”

“Why does that sound familiar?”

“It’s one of the projects I have going with Abel.”

“Projects? As in, it’s an unfinished house?”

“It’s mostly finished. Just—trust me, we’ll make it spectacular.”

It’s ballsy, asking my friend to trust me with the entirety of his wedding. But I guess I’m emboldened by Lu’s trust. I sure as hell delivered on every promise I made her last night.

I can deliver on the promises I’m making Coop too.

He sighs again. “If you say so. I’ll never forgive myself if Goldie doesn’t get the wedding day of her dreams.”

“I’m on it. Now go make yourself a Bloody Mary.”

“That doesn’t sound good.” Lu leans her shoulder into the wall beside the kitchen. “Well, the Bloody Mary part sounds great. But the rest . . .”

I stare at her, mouth going dry. She’s in my shirt again. Just-fucked hair everywhere. There’s a spot on her chin that looks suspiciously like beard burn.

“Morning, beautiful.”

She comes to stand in front of me. Goes up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to my mouth. “Morning, handsome.”

“Can I make you some coffee?”

She grins. “That’d be wonderful. I’ll make eggs again.”

“Maybe you should sit. Sore?”

Her cheeks flush pink. “A little, yeah. Thanks for the Advil.”

“It’ll kick in soon.” I nod at the table. “Sit.”

“I will, preferably on your face. But only after breakfast.”

I make her coffee the way she likes—lots of cream, lots of sugar—and hand her the mug. She’s already busying herself at the stove, grabbing a pan from the cabinet to the left. Opening the fridge and immediately grabbing the eggs, milk, and butter because she knows where I keep them.

She’s gorgeous. My shirt rides up her thighs as she moves. My dick perks right the fuck up when I glimpse her bare ass cheek.

No panties, then.

But it’s how at home she is that takes my breath away.

You belong here, I wanna tell her.

“I need your help today,” I say instead, taking the bowl of eggs she’s working on and giving it a whisk with a fork. “The Club is a no-go for the wedding.”

She looks up from melting the butter in the pan. “Jesus.”

“Weather’s way, way worse than they were calling for. I think we can make this work to our advantage, though. As long as you’re as good as you say you are at—”

“Everything?” She grins. “I’m that good, yes.”

I pinch her ass, my chest lighting up when she laughs. “Don’t you start gettin’ me all hard’n shit when we don’t have time to fuck this morning. We got a whole house to decorate—”

“A house?” Her eyes go wide. “Seriously?”

“All my rentals are occupied. But Abel’s finishing up a house on your street, and it’s empty. Obviously. It’s not perfect, but I think we can make it great with a little help from our friends.”

Her eyes are practically bulging out of her head now. “That big shingled house with the whale inside?”

My turn to laugh. “That’s the one.”

“It’s beautiful. Like, stunning. But does it have, I don’t know, working toilets?”


