I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

I feel Riley’s lips on my face.

My stomach drops when I realize he’s kissing away my tears.

Thunder crashes outside. Or maybe it’s my heart that makes that sound.

Maybe it’s been on a collision course with Riley’s this whole time.



Hope Floats

Lu’s orgasm ripples through us both.

Her ass contracts around me, milking me to the edge of my own orgasm.

She let me in.

She trusted me.

And now I’m in deep. Literally and metaphorically. I’m kissing the tears off her face while my heart does that thing where it goes apeshit.

I can’t breathe.

I can’t stop.

I just hold her, both of us shaken as I pump my hips in a blind search for relief.

Godfuckingdamnit she feels good.

I’m inside her. Bare. Aching. And there’s a feeling in the pit of my stomach that becomes sharper the longer we fuck.

We haven’t discussed what happens after the weekend is over. It’s absolutely not fair on my part to claim her. But I’m going to jail if I find out someone else has her the way I’m having her right now.

I’m so fucked it’s not even funny.

I grit my teeth. Close my eyes.

Pray like hell she doesn’t go back to Charlotte on Sunday and forget me forever.

I come inside her ass with a shout. Pulse after pulse of cum. She rocks her hips, taking me deeper, and I swear to Christ I die and go to heaven for a full beat.

The rush subsides, and I can hear both of us struggling to catch our breath.

I open my eyes. See her looking at me, a stunned expression on her face.

Even in the flickering light of the candle, I can see she’s flushed everywhere. Chest, cheeks. The imprint of my hand is visible on her neck.

I made a mess of her.

She let me. No judgement. No hesitation.

I hang my head.

“Hey.” She snakes a hand between us and puts it on my face, her brow furrowed. “You all right?”

I’m in love with you, but I don’t know if you’re ready to hear that.

I don’t know if she’s ready for what I want.

I want to shove that thought aside. Keep the faith, hope floats, all that shit. I’ve done everything I can to make her feel safe and adored. But that same gut feeling about wanting Lu all to myself tells me she’s just not ready.

Doesn’t mean it’s the end. But it does mean I’m gonna have to let her go when the weekend’s over, and who knows when she’ll come back?

I press a kiss to her throat. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?”

I stay up all night listening to the rain. It’s loud, the downpour’s heavy and constant. But not loud enough to drown out the sounds Lu makes when she sleeps. Her breathing. The slide of her hair on the pillow when she turns her head.

She moans, once, just as the darkness begins to thin to grey. I wonder if she’s dreaming about all the shit we’ve done in my bed this week.

There’s so much more we can do.

So many new things to try together. We have ten years of lost time to make up for. My chest hurts knowing we might not get that chance.

My phone vibrates. It’s a text from Coop.

Cooper Easton

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, bro. I know you’ve been working hard to pull this off and I appreciate it. But the wind took down the tents on the boardwalk overnight. They’re calling for more wind today. Goldie just puked up her coffee. SOS.

Careful not to wake Lu, I roll out of bed. Pull on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt, then head to the bathroom, where I grab some ibuprofen and a glass of water. I set them on the nightstand on Lu’s side of the bed before padding to the kitchen.

I shoot off a dozen texts by the time coffee’s ready. The breeze coming in through the windows is cool. Chilly, even. While the windows are shielded from the rain by the decks that wrap around Dolly on the outside, the cold air definitely still gets in. Closing the windows, I stand in the kitchen and sip my coffee. My gaze slips to the pot on the counter.

I always make a full one, even though it’s just me drinking a cup or two alone ninety-nine percent of the time. Sometimes Kurt and the staff will grab a cup as they’re hustling to get their work done. But Mom and/or Marsha love reading on their screened-in porch in the mornings, so they don’t typically stop by this early. Tuck’s got Katie.

Feels like everyone has a life but me.

Then Lu showed up, and suddenly I have someone to have coffee with. Even better? I get to fuck Lu before and after said coffee. And then I get to pick her brain. Take her swimming. Cook with her in my kitchen.


