I Wish I Knew Then (Harbor Village #1) Read Online Jessica Peterson

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Harbor Village Series by Jessica Peterson

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 102719 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 514(@200wpm)___ 411(@250wpm)___ 342(@300wpm)

Lu holds a hand up to her forehead and looks at me. “How many companies do you own, exactly?”

“Twelve.” Tuck sips his beer.

Lu stares at me.

I sip my water. “I only actively manage three of them, though.”

“You did it.” She laughs, shaking her head in disbelief. “Everything you said you’d do—you did. And then apparently you did extra credit because you’ve an overachiever like that.”

I did it for you. “Now it’s your turn.”

We have lunch on the boat. Everyone compliments the grouper sammies. When I share that they’re a recipe of Lu’s, and that she wants to write a cookbook, everyone tells her she definitely has to include it.

She flushes with pleasure, even as she swats my arm. “You’re shameless.”

“You’re wearing too many clothes.” I toy with her bikini bottoms. “Should we go for a swim?”

“Good God, yes.” Goldie is fanning herself in the shade. “My pregnant ass would love to float for a bit.”

We drop anchor near a secluded beach just north of Bald Head. It’s accessible only by boat, and today we have it all to ourselves.

On the swimming platform at the back of the boat, I can’t help but notice how Lu’s (mostly) bare ass looks as ripe and delicious as a fucking peach. My mouth goes dry as I watch her adjust her bottoms, running her fingers inside the seam to smooth the fabric over her backside.

She catches me watching her—again, I’m officially a creeper—and her nipples harden to tight, visible points that poke against the thin fabric of her top.

My body pulses. I reach for her, roughly grabbing her hip. “You’re the one who’s fucking shameless.”

Lu bats her eyes. “Who, me?”

“You best mind that smart mouth of yours.” My eyes flick to her lips. “Or I’m gonna do something about it.”

Her tongue darts out to skate along her bottom lip. “I’d like to see you try.”

And then she gives me a hard shove, sending me into the ocean with a belly full of laughter.



Hot for Teacher

The sun is beginning to set when Dolly approaches the marina. A pair of smaller boats wait just outside its entrance.

“Tenders,” Riley explains. “They’re going to take everyone back to the dock.”

I’m confused. “Dolly is staying out?”

He looks down at me. My stomach flips at his nearness. His handsomeness. He got color on his nose and cheeks today. The thick amber light catches on his stubble, turning it to bronze.

The scent of Coppertone and saltwater rises off his skin.

He nudges me with his elbow. “You and me are staying out.”

“Just us?”

“Just us.”

The need that’s simmered between my legs all day flares to vibrant life. “You can handle Dolly all by yourself?”

“We’ll stay moored out here. We’re far enough out so no one can see me doing what I been thinkin’ about doing to you all day, Legs.”

I catch Goldie watching us. I quickly look away, focusing my gaze on my feet. Between the heat, the sun, and the sexual tension, I’m sure my face is bright red.

Then again, do I care? The idea of having Riley to myself all night is . . . yeah, kind of the best. We can do anything we want.

Literally anything. And there’s so much I want to try. So much I’ve missed.

The fact that I get to try it with the man standing next to me—the one with the gorgeous body and filthy mouth—makes my heart skip around inside my chest.

Goldie gives me a hug as she’s heading for the tender.

“He is legit obsessed with you,” she whispers in my ear. “Did you see him looking at you all day? Because we sure as hell did.”

I laugh. “I may have noticed, yeah.”

“Good luck. And thank you for the loveliest bachelorette party ever.” She holds up a handful of penis-shaped straws. “I’m keeping these forever. Also, sorry I was kinda lame.”

“Please.” I roll my eyes. “You and I both know you were the life of the party.”

“So was your boyfriend.”

“He’s not my boyfriend.”

“Not yet.”

Goldie’s not wrong on any of those counts. Riley really was the ultimate host. Not only did he have enough food and booze to feed and water an army, he also chatted up every single person, and made sure everyone was comfortable with enough towels, sunscreen, and Aperol Spritzes to last a lifetime. He was gracious without being fussy. Relaxed without being negligent.

And so damn hot in his sunglasses and backward baseball hat I literally had to stay in the water most of the day to keep from spontaneously combusting.

A shiver darts up my spine when Riley puts his hand on the naked small of my back. We wave to the last tender as it departs with the crew.

His palm is warm. Dry. Calloused.

I love the feel of it against my skin.

And then it really is just us. Well, us and Tom, whose tail swishes against my legs.


