Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

Or would you? asked a naughty little voice in the back of her head. But what if he was really good at it, Penny? And what if he actually liked it. What about that?

Penny tried to push the embarrassing thought away. She loved reading spicy romance books where the hero actually enjoyed going down on the heroine and was actually skilled at it. But alas, she had never found a guy in real life that lived up to the fantasy she had in her head—mainly because she was self-conscious about asking any guy to get between her overly-ample thighs and go to work with his tongue.

Garret had professed himself willing to try it, when she had finally confessed her fantasy, but that had been a disaster. He had given her a few swipes with his tongue and then made a face and came bobbing right back up.

“Is there a problem?” Penny had asked him anxiously, unsure what to think of his twisted expression.

“Well, I mean it’s not, uh…not the best taste, ya know, babe?” Garret had reached for a glass of water on the bedside table and taken a big swig, as though to rinse out his mouth. Then he’d smiled at her. “But hey, that’s okay. We still have the main event, right?”

The “main event” was sex of course—proper sex with the pole going into the hole as Garret said—which was, of course, the only real sex as far as he was concerned.

So they had had sex, while Penny felt like she was dying inside from embarrassment.

She had tried to put it out of her mind, but after that encounter, she’d never asked a guy to go down on her again. She couldn’t summon the courage, feeling that her thick thighs and her “bad taste” down there would disqualify her forever from having her favorite fantasy come true.

But now, looking up into those pale gold eyes, half-lidded with amused lust, Penny wondered if things might be different with V’rex. At the very least, she bet he would be considerably better at going down than her ex had been. But what if he didn’t like her taste either?

Yes, but what if he does? Whispered the little voice.

Not that she was ever going to find out, Penny told herself firmly.

“Grab a quick shower and get ready for First Meal,” V’rex told her, breaking her train of thought. “I’m cooking this morning.”

“That sounds good,” Penny said gratefully. “But no meat, okay?” she added quickly as he turned to leave.

V’rex frowned.

“I noticed you didn’t make any for Last Meal last night either. Any particular reason?”

“You don’t know, do you?” Penny had been pretty sure he didn’t know about the source of the meat here in the Compound, but it was still a relief to have it confirmed.

V’rex frowned.

“Know what?”

“I’ll tell you after breakfast,” Penny promised him. “Because if I tell you before, it’ll ruin your appetite. Right now, I’m going to get a shower.”

“Fine. No meat. And I’m not sure if I want to know what you have to tell me or not.” V’rex shook his head and let himself out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Penny stood up and swiped at her eyes again, trying to get control of herself. God, she was all over the place this morning! She hadn’t felt so hormonal in ages and it wasn’t like it was time for her period—that had stopped after she’d been on the Mother’s Milk for a while.

As to the reason why her cycle had stopped, well, Mother Toone had explained that a female’s monthly cycle was actually completely unnecessary—at least according to the Compound.

“Why, with the right hormones, my sweet, the female body doesn’t have to go through a cycle at all,” she’d told Penny, when she asked haltingly where her period had gone to. “All you need to do is balance things just right and her body can be in a constant state of readiness to get pregnant—do you see?”

“Like a constant state of ovulation,” Penny muttered now, to herself. She was always most sexually needy during that part of her cycle—most women were, she knew. And the damned weird hypno-whisper-induced dreams didn’t help anything either!

Thank goodness things hadn’t gone any farther than they had, she thought grimly, as she stepped into the steaming shower. She’d been one step away from either biting off the top of V’rex’s dick…or straddling him and sliding down onto it.

Another shiver of erotic energy ran through her and she turned the water setting to freezing cold.

“N-no!” she told herself, through chattering teeth as the frigid water pounded her body, raising goosebumps on her bare skin. “N-no, I c-can’t think of him like th-that!”

She had to get out of here before something worse than what had happened last night occurred. She had to escape the Compound while she was still sane enough to do it!


