Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

Plus, he wanted to see Penelope all wet and rub soap all over her naked, luscious body.

At last she nodded.

“I…I guess that would be okay.”

“Good.” V gave her a half-lidded smile and turned on the shower. “Then let’s get out of these sticky clothes.”


Penny couldn’t believe she’d agreed to take a shower with the big Hybrid. But then again, she also couldn’t believe that she’d let him suck her breasts and had rubbed off against him to one of the best orgasms of her life. She had been all set to resist him, despite knowing she needed her breasts drained—she had a stubborn streak a mile long, as her mom used to say. But then the big Hybrid had just…taken charge of the situation.

Which was actually pretty damn sexy.

She wondered again how much of his behavior had to do with the Spice circulating through the air here in the Compound. V’rex had admitted that it did, indeed, affect him. Was that why he wanted her so badly—was so protective and possessive of her?

It seemed a likely reason. It would have been nice to believe the big Hybrid was actually attracted to her the way she was, with no outside influences. But after the way Garret had treated her and the numerous rejections she’d gotten from dating sites and apps, Penny had a hard time believing that a big, muscular, handsome guy like V’rex would be attracted to a plus-sized girl like her without some kind of chemical catalyst to form the attraction

I suppose I should enjoy it while it lasts, she thought as he led her into the shower and began to shampoo her hair. God, his long fingers gave a wonderful scalp massage! But it felt dishonest, somehow. Like she was tricking him in some way. She knew that Twin Kindred liked plus-sized women, but V’rex wasn’t a Twin Kindred. What would he think of her if he could see her without the Spice in his system?

Penny supposed she would only find out if they could get out of here. And right now, that was her first priority, she decided, not what the big Hybrid would think of her once they escaped. He—

“Oh!” she gasped as two big, soapy hands reached around to wash and massage her breasts.

“Just getting you nice and squeaky clean, little girl,” V’rex rumbled in her ear. “You mind?”

“Um, no. No, I guess not,” Penny whispered rather breathlessly. Despite the intense orgasm she’d just had, she could still feel her body humming under the touch of his big hands.

“Good,” V’rex murmured. “Because I’m gonna pretend like I’m washing you while I tell you my plan. Okay?”

“O…Okay,” Penny agreed. She just hoped she could concentrate on his words while he tugged lightly on her tender nipples with those long fingers of his. This didn’t feel much like pretending to her, but she didn’t complain.

“Here’s what I’m gonna do,” V’rex rumbled softly in her ear. “Remember I told you I used to be a pretty fair pickpocket in my day?”

“Uh-huh,” Penny moaned, for one big hand had left her breasts and was sliding slowly down her abdomen and belly.

“Right, well I’m a little rusty, but it’s a skill you never really lose. Anyway, I’ve heard that the GL comes and does inspections of everywhere on the Compound every week or so and apparently he’s overdue for a look at the greenhouse.”

His fingers were between her thighs now, soaping each in turn and then urging her wordlessly to open up to him so he could slide his hand between them.

Penny did as he wanted, moaning as she felt him cup her pussy. Behind her, she could feel the long, hard length of his shaft branding her lower back while he touched her and kept talking at the same time.

“So I figure all I’ve got to do is wait for him to show up and then the minute our dear old GL is distracted, I pick the Master Control right out of his pocket,” V’rex went on. “I’m betting that not only will it release this damn pain square on my neck—it’ll probably open the front gate, too. So the minute we get it, we’re out of here.”

As he spoke, his long fingers parted her pussy lips and slipped inside.

Penny bit her lip—she really shouldn’t let him go so far! What they had done earlier was necessary but no one was watching now. She started to close her legs but V’rex whispered in her ear,

“No, baby—open up for me. Let me take care of you—let me make you feel good.”

“I…I shouldn’t,” Penny moaned uncertainly even as she opened up again.

“Oh yes, you should,” he countered, sliding his fingers into her pussy again. “Remember how you told me they turned up the hypno-whispers to our hut? Well maybe if you come again—nice and hard—right before bed, you won’t be as susceptible to them.”


