Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“Do…do you really think so?” Penny whispered, her breath hitching in her throat as he circled her aching clit with one gentle fingertip.

“Uh-huh. Which means you might not wake up with my cock in your mouth,” he growled softly. “Unless you want to, that is. But I know it embarrassed you before.”

“It…it was awfully embarrassing,” Penny admitted and then moaned because two long, strong fingers had slipped down to enter her.

“We wouldn’t want you to be embarrassed again, now would we, sweetheart?” V’rex growled low in her ear. “Which is why you need to spread your pussy and let me fingerfuck your soft little cunt until you come for me—come really hard—so those awful fucking whispers won’t bother you tonight.”

As he spoke, his thumb continued to caress her aching clit while the two long fingers kept pace, thrusting deep inside her.

“Okay!” Penny gasped as her pleasure reached the peak. “Oh…oh…oh, V’rex!”

“That’s right, baby—say my name. Let me hear you say it while you come for me.” His voice was a low growl of desire as he held her close, riding out her orgasm while Penny clenched helplessly around his fingers.

“V’rex!” she moaned again. “Oh God, please!”

His rumbled laughter in her ear.

“You’re s’posed to say ‘thank you’ after that—not please, sweetheart.”

“I…I don’t know what to say.” Penny felt suddenly boneless. She sagged in his arms and might have fallen if V’rex hadn’t caught her and held her tight.

“Easy, little girl,” he murmured. “I think it’s time for bed now.”

“Think…” Penny yawned. “Think you’re right.”

“Mmm-hmm. Come on.”

With no apparent effort, V’rex lifted her in his arms and took her out of the shower stall. He spent some time drying her off and then drying himself off as well before he took her into the bedroom.

He tucked them both into bed, the two of them spooning comfortably with V’rex’s big body cupping her own. Penny found that when they were pressed together, there was no lack of blanket—only the delicious feeling of his big form surrounding her, making her feel protected and safe.

“Good night, little girl,” V’rex murmured in her ear.

“Night,” Penny whispered back. She might have protested at how thoroughly the big Hybrid had taken her over, but she was much too tired to protest. It had been a long, exhausting day and she felt too comfortable to want to be anywhere else.

With a sigh of contentment, she drifted off to sleep in his arms.


The hypno-whispers gave her strange dreams again, but this time Penny didn’t act on them. Maybe V’rex was right about her having an orgasm before going to sleep, but the only effect they had on her was to make her turn over so that she was facing the big Hybrid instead of spooning with him.

When she woke, she was somewhat embarrassed to find that she was pressing against him, chest to chest and naked with nothing between them. But V’rex only gave her a sleepy smile and murmured,

“Morning, sweetheart. Have any good dreams?”

“None that I can remember,” Penny told him. She started to wiggle out of his arms but V’rex was too fast for her.

“Uh-uh, little girl,” he growled. “You’re not going anywhere before I have a look at your sweet breasts.”

Rolling over on his back, he had Penny straddling him in an instant. She could feel his long, hard shaft poking her in the back as the big Hybrid pulled her down and sucked one tight nipple into his mouth.

“V’rex…” she started to protest but he gave her a stern frown and released the nipple momentarily.

“Told you I was gonna take care of you from now on, didn’t I, little girl? Well this is part of it. Morning and night I’m going to suck your sweet nipples and take care of your nectar. Don’t want you in pain like you were last night, ever again.”

“You really don’t have to…ohhh,” Penny moaned as he sucked her nipple back into his mouth and continued to drain the sticky-sweet nectar from her breast. He didn’t let her go until he was finished with both breasts and by then her pussy was throbbing and swollen.

Penny hoped he wouldn’t notice how wet and hot she was getting but when at last V’rex let her nipple slip from between his lips, between her legs was the first place he looked.

“You’re looking awful hot and wet and achy down there, sweetheart,” he growled softly. “Is there something you want to ask me to do for you?”

Penny bit her lip. Despite the way the big Hybrid was now so intimate with her body, she was still shy about asking for that particular act. The memory of how badly it had gone with Garret was still fresh in her mind. So she only shook her head.

“I think we’d better get going,” she told him. “Don’t want to be late to work, right?”


