Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

I shouldn’t really let myself come though, should I? Penny wondered dazedly. That wouldn’t be right, would it? I mean, we’re just pretending, after all. Just putting on a show so those awful Watchers don’t suspect…

And then her orgasm was rushing over her like a warm wave, filling her with pleasure and making her gasp his name like a prayer.

“V’rex! Oh God, V’rex.”

“Gods, little girl—love to hear you call my name when you come!” he growled and then she felt something hot and wet jetting against her belly and knew that the big Hybrid was coming too.


When both of them were finished coming, V rose with Penelope still wrapped around him and carried her into the fresher. They both needed to clean up and it was also the best place to discuss escape plans.

Penny was still panting with the aftermath of her orgasm as she leaned against him. It occurred to V that this was the first time he’d made a female come without stinging her and using his lust-honey. Which was nice, actually—satisfying. And damn if he didn’t love hearing her call his name when she lost control!

“I…I think you should put me down now.” Penelope’s voice was faint but it was clear she was serious.

V set her on her feet and watched her anxiously to make sure she didn’t fall over. He had felt the extreme pleasure coming from her during her orgasm and he wanted to make sure she wasn’t too weak in the aftermath to stand.

“You okay, sweetheart?” he murmured in a low voice.

“Uh-huh.” Penelope nodded. “Just…that was really intense, that’s all.”

“For me too,” V admitted. He looked at her intently. “Was it better than when I stung you?”

“It was…different.” Penelope looked up at him shyly and he could feel her uncertainty. “You had me scared at first. I thought that maybe you were being affected by the Spice? You know—the stuff that circulates through the air here and makes all the males…”

“Horny all the time?” V finished for her dryly. “Hell yes, the Spice affects me, sweetheart. But not so much that I’d ever hurt you.”

“I’m glad about that.” She bit her lip. “Thank you for…for helping me with my…” She gestured at her chest. “You know.”

“With draining the nectar from your breasts?” he asked, frowning. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’m going to be helping you with that for as long as you need me to.”

“Really?” her eyes widened. “But…don’t you mind?”

“Do I mind sucking your nipples and handling your beautiful breasts? Hell no, sweetheart.” V couldn’t believe she would even ask him such a thing.

“But…but the nectar.” She seemed to stumble over the words. “Isn’t it…I mean don’t you find it distasteful to have to…have to suck it out?”

“Why should I mind? It’s kind of sweet, that’s all.” V shrugged. “And how is drinking your nectar any different from tasting your pussy juices would be?”

Her face went pink and he felt that same wave of embarrassed desire he’d felt from her the first time he mentioned going down on her.

“Oh, but…I never asked you to. I would never…” She shook her head, clearly too embarrassed to go on, and looked down at her hands.

“You wouldn’t have to ask me to, sweetheart,” V growled, lifting her chin to look into her eyes. “It would be my pleasure to lap your sweet little pussy. So if you ever need me to—or just want me to—let me know.”

He was thinking again about how the “Glorious Leader” had said that females who drank the Mother’s Milk would need male fluids in their pussies. He was hoping that Penelope would come to him and ask for help rather than letting herself be in pain, as she had with her breasts.

But from the confusion of mixed emotions—shame, desire, need—coming from her, V wasn’t at all sure she would. Clearly she wanted what he was offering but just as clearly she was ashamed to take it. What he couldn’t figure out was why. But since he didn’t feel any pain coming from her at the moment, he decided he could let it go—for now.

“Maybe we should take a shower,” he told her. “Clean up. We’re both kind of sticky.” He looked down in distaste at the red garment which was stuck to his skin with his seed. Penelope’s wasn’t much better, considering hers had both come and nectar soaking it. Good thing they had extras in the closet.

“That’s a good idea,” she said nodding. “Do you want to go first or should I?”

“Well, I thought we might take a shower together,” V told her, watching for her reaction. When she started to object he leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “And I can tell you my plan to get out of here while the water is running.”

Of course, there was no watch-light in the fresher so he assumed they were safe. But just to be extra cautious, it couldn’t hurt to have the extra noise of the shower running to obscure their voices.


