Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

Grabbing a towel to wrap around herself, Penny sank down on the closed lid of the toilet and put her head in her hands.

“Oh my God, what’s wrong with me? Why did I do that? What does he think of me now?” she muttered fiercely, so embarrassed that tears sprang to her eyes.

“I’ll tell you what ‘he’ thinks,” a deep voice rumbled from the doorway. “He thinks this is all some kind of big misunderstanding.”

“It was!” Penny looked up at the big Hybrid, blinking tears of humiliation out of her eyes. “I didn’t mean to do that to you—didn’t mean to, uh, molest you in your sleep—I swear I didn’t!”

“Take it easy, sweetheart.” V’rex came in and shut the door behind him.

He had already dressed for the day, Penny saw. He was wearing the crimson toga that all the males wore here in the Compound and it looked amazing with his dark tan skin tones and big, muscular body. He looked like a Greek god.

“You don’t have to be so upset,” he murmured.

“Yes, I do—to wake up doing that to you is…well, it’s mortifying. Especially since I didn’t mean to. I was just having such a weird dream…” Penny shook her head. “Ever since I got here, I’ve been having the strangest dreams every night. All about Colonel Sanders and fried chicken and sex. God, what is wrong with me?”

“It’s not you, it’s probably the hypno-whispers,” V’rex pointed out. “I can’t understand any of them—they just give me a fuckin’ headache. But they seem to be affecting you—at least some, anyway.”

“I only understand about one word in ten,” Penny admitted. “But that does seem to be enough to mess with my sleep—well, with my dreams, anyway. But I’ve never done anything like…like what I just did,” she added, feeling her cheeks get miserably hot with a mortified blush.

“If I had to guess, I’d bet that they ramped up the whispers last night,” V’rex said thoughtfully. “They probably want the new Forever Mate couples to do as much breeding as possible with as little resistance as possible.” He frowned. “Fuckin’ perverts.”

“Maybe you’re right.” Penny nodded eagerly, glad to have an explanation—any explanation—for her behavior. “But God, that dream was so weird. So vivid.” She looked up at V’rex, biting her lip. “It’s no excuse though. I’m really, really sorry.”

He gave an incredulous laugh.

“You think I’m gonna complain about waking up to getting my dick sucked? Hell no, sweetheart.” He reached down and cupped Penny’s hot cheek. Gently, he swiped away a tear with his thumb. “I’m just sorry it made you so upset,” he rumbled, looking at her anxiously. “I would’ve stopped you before, I swear, but I was half-asleep myself through most of it.”

“You were?” Penny blinked up at him, feeling a little better.

“Uh-huh. What woke me up at first wasn’t your mouth—it was your soft little hand on me. And you kept saying something like, ‘Oh Chicken Daddy…Oh, Chicken Daddy!’” He shrugged. “Whatever that means.”

“That was, uh, part of the dream.” Penny pulled away from his touch, feeling embarrassed all over again. “God, this place is so weird and awful! We have to get out of here!”

“As soon as we can, but keep your voice down, sweetheart,” V’rex growled, glancing at the closed door. “It’s not exactly soundproofed in here. I do have kind of a plan for getting out now, though—got it from the talk we had last night.”

“You do? What is it?” Penny looked at him hopefully.

But V’rex shook his head.

“I have to check some things first and work it out a little more. I promise we’ll discuss it tonight—okay?”

“Okay.” Penny nodded and sniffed. “So…you really aren’t upset with me? Because I have to be honest, I’d be really angry with you if I woke up and you were, uh…”

“Going down on you?” His pale gold eyes were suddenly half lidded. “Yeah, I guess it would be kind of shocking if you woke up with my tongue sliding between your sweet pussy lips, wouldn’t it?”

Penny found she was blushing all over again, but for a different reason this time. As his dirty words formed a picture in her head, a surge of sexual energy went through her. Suddenly her nipples were tight and achy while her pussy was throbbing. She pressed her thighs together tightly.

“I just…I would probably have a hard time believing you were just…just having a bad dream,” she admitted stiffly, trying to ignore the sudden wave of desire that threatened to swamp her. God, what was wrong with her, anyway?

“Well, I wouldn’t call it a bad dream, exactly.” V’rex grinned at her. “Hey, stop torturing yourself about it. I’m not upset and you shouldn’t be either—it’s just a side effect of this fucked up place, that’s all.”

Penny was relieved that he was willing to be so understanding about the whole thing. She really would have been upset if their positions had been reversed and she’d woken up with the big Hybrid between her thighs.


