Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“Wow, he’s really cut!” Penny thought to herself as she allowed her eyes to rove over his broad chest and washboard abs. The Colonel’s hot, mouthwatering body reminded her of someone else, but in her dream she couldn’t think who it was. She only knew she wanted to be closer to him so she rolled over and pressed her bare body against his.

“Mmm, that’s right, darlin’—get a little closer,” Colonel Sanders murmured, winking at her from behind his black-framed glasses. This time he was wearing his black string tie and a pure white collar, though he had no other clothes on at all.

Penny bit her lip.

“Are you sure you don’t mind?” she asked, though she was already rubbing her bare breasts shamelessly against his muscular side.

“’Course I don’t mind, sweet thang,” he murmured, winking at her again. “Let’s you and me get friendly-like, shall we?”

“I guess that would be okay,” Penny said doubtfully, though she had an idea she really shouldn’t be doing this. Still, she couldn’t seem to stop. His big, hard body felt so good against hers! “Oh, Colonel Sanders,” she moaned.

“No need to be so formal, darlin’,” he murmured in her ear. “Call me Chicken Daddy.”

“Chicken Daddy?” Penny looked up at him. This didn’t seem right at all. But as is the way of dreams, she still couldn’t stop. She could feel her pussy getting hot and wet as she rubbed against his muscular thigh and her nipples were tight and achy, leaking the sticky nectar as she rubbed them against his chest.

“Yeah, Chicken Daddy,” the Colonel confirmed. “Now tell me, sweet thang—are you hungry?”

“Maybe a little…Chicken Daddy,” Penny confessed. “The food here isn’t very good without the flavor sticks. I don’t dare eat anything but vegetables and fruit but they’re all really bland.”

“I bet you’re craving some meat to put in your sweet little belly,” the Colonel—or “Chicken Daddy” as he had told her to call him—said, smiling down at her.

“Well—” Penny began doubtfully.

“Well, why don’t you take a nibble of this?” the Colonel asked.

He pointed down between his legs and Penny saw that, once again, he had an extra crispy drumstick in place of a penis. Only this time it was coated in some kind of delicious-looking BBQ sauce.

At the sight of it, her mouth began to water and her pussy got even wetter and more swollen for some reason.

“Mmm, you want it, don’t you, darlin’?” Colonel Sanders aka “Chicken Daddy” murmured. “Go ahead and grab hold of that fat, meaty drumstick, sweet thang and have a little taste.”

Somehow Penny found that she was doing just as he said, wrapping her hand around the thick bottom shaft of the plump, meaty drumstick even though part of her brain was still trying to warn her not to.

“That’s right, sweet thang,” the Colonel crooned. “But before you can take a bite, you have to lick and suck all that sauce off. Think you can do that for me?”

“I…I think so.” Penny looked up to see him watching her avidly, his bushy white goatee and mustache quivering in anticipation.

The sight disturbed her, so she looked back at the juicy drumstick between his legs.

“Lick it,” her Chicken Daddy told her. “Lick it real good and then suck it like a lollipop, darlin’.”

Penny found she was doing as he said. Bringing the drumstick coated in BBQ sauce to her mouth, she began to lick the sides and then she sucked the top of it all the way between her lips.

It tasted salty and hot and a deep, sensuous musk invaded her senses as she licked and sucked. God, he was delicious! She was just about to take a big bite of the meaty drumstick when a deep voice murmured,

“That feels fucking amazing, sweetheart, but are you sure you want to be doing it? You keep it up much longer and I’m gonna come in your hot little mouth.”

The voice was familiar and it did not belong to Colonel Sanders.


Opening her eyes, Penny found that it was early morning and she was still naked in bed with V’rex. Not only that, but she was bent over the big Hybrid with his thick cock deep in her mouth. Well, as deep as it could go anyway, considering how big it was.

“Oh my God!” Penny exclaimed. But since she had her mouth full of the dream drumstick which had turned out to be an actual dick, her words came out sounding distinctly muffled. More like, “Ah mah Gah!”

She pulled back immediately and looked up to see V’rex watching her with an expression which was equal parts confused and aroused.

“Did you mean to suck me off, sweetheart, or do you give blowjobs in your sleep?” he inquired in a sleepy but amused tone.

But to Penny, the situation was anything but amusing. Without answering, she scrambled off the bed and ran to the bathroom because there was basically nowhere else to go.


