Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

Gathering her close, he held her small, curvy body to his, trying not to notice the full, firm weight of her large breasts—much larger than when he’d first seen her in the Lucky Lounge—pressing against his chest.

Gods, she smelled so sweet and ripe! V couldn’t help dropping his head to sniff at her long, chestnut hair. A devastatingly feminine scent rose from her silky tresses making him want her even more.

The full body contact seemed to revive the little female somewhat because she looked up at him, her eyes still filled with terror and whispered,

“You’re him!”

“Easy, sweetheart.” He looked down at her anxiously. She was so small—so frail—and the fear and anxiety she was feeling had her nearly hyperventilating as she pulled quickly away from him.

“You…you can’t…you don’t touch me!” she gasped, which drew some disapproving glances from both the “Glorious Leader” and the NeverBreeders who were still standing at a slight distance, watching the ceremony.

V wished he could tell her that she didn’t have to be afraid because he wouldn’t hurt her, but that was a lie, wasn’t it? Later in the ceremony he was going to be forced to burn his name into her chest with the damned branding pen.

Gods—just the thought of marring her smooth, creamy flesh made him cringe inside. But he couldn’t do anything about it—he could only continue with the ceremony and hope she would let him heal her afterwards, when they were finally alone.

In the meantime, the show must go on.

“I have to touch you,” he told her. “That’s part of it.”

He reached for her hands. She wouldn’t give them to him at first, crossing her arms tightly over her full breasts and shaking her head.

V frowned. Damn, had their single encounter back in the Lucky Lounge really spooked her that much? She was looking at him like he was the Cruel Father himself coming to take her soul to the Seven Hells!

Unfortunately, her refusal had drawn the attention and disapproval of the “Glorious Leader” himself.

“V’rex, my friend,” he said to V pleasantly, but with a look of warning in his pale blue eyes. “If you cannot control your female, it’s not too late for me to give her to another male.”

V felt the Rage rise inside him as Skrug looked from his own bride—the triple-breasted whore V remembered seeing sometimes at Hell’s Gate—and let his small, piggy eyes rove over the girl’s ripe body.

“No!” The word came out as more of a growl and he grabbed for the girl’s hands and held them firmly in his own, despite her struggles.

“Hey!” she protested but V wouldn’t let her hands go.

“Settle down,” he murmured to her, putting a touch of menace in his voice as he glared at her warningly. “Unless you’d rather be given to him.” He jerked his head at Skrug who was still ogling her like a horny adolescent.

“I’d rather be with anyone than you!” she shot back, narrowing her big brown eyes to glare right back at him.

V was taken aback by the vehement dislike he felt emanating from her—all of which was directed at himself. Why did she hate him so much? She didn’t even know him.

Well, there was no time to change her mind now, he thought warily. All they could do was continue with the ceremony. Hopefully they could work things out once they were alone together in their “Love Hut.”

For now, there was nothing else to do but go straight through to the end and hope like hell the little female would behave so she wouldn’t be given away to another male.

V didn’t think he could stand that. Even though she hated him, he still wanted her.

And he wasn’t going to give her up to anybody.


This is crazy! This can’t be right—it must be another one of those crazy dreams I have at night when my pillow whispers to me, Penny thought frantically as V’rex took her hands firmly in his and refused to let her go.

That was the only reason she stopped fighting him. Well, that and the fact that she had caught a glimpse of the male V’rex had nodded at when he asked if she’d rather be given to another guy—the male Shurla had ended up with.

Shurla’s new Forever Mate looked like some kind of a mutant. He was nearly seven feet tall with blue skin, a humped back, and long, crooked teeth that protruded outside his thin lipless mouth, reminding Penny of an alligator.

He also had the most insanely long dick she’d ever seen. It hung down past the hem of his short grass skirt, swinging like a thick blue snake somewhere around his knees.

Shurla seemed delighted by her new hubby’s extreme endowments but presumably she could handle it, since she was a former “joy-girl” as she’d called herself. Penny was positive she could not handle anything that large. It had been so long since her last sexual encounter she was practically a virgin all over again and she wasn’t eager to try fitting a dick as long as a garden hose and as thick as her wrist into her hoo-hah.


