Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“Forever Mate, I give myself to you,” she recited along with all the other brides. “Please use my body as your own property. Thrust…” She swallowed hard, her heart pounding as she struggled to go on. V’rex was looking at her impassively, but she could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks as she spoke the ridiculous, embarrassing words.

“Go on, sweetheart,” he muttered to her. “He’s watching.”

“Thrust your shaft deep inside me and…and fill-me-daily-with-your-seed,” Penny finished in a rush, not daring to look at the cult leader for fear that what V’rex had said was true and he was staring at her in disapproval.

She breathed an inward sigh of relief. Well, at least she had gotten through the awful vows!

Not quite.

To her horror, the Glorious Leader continued.

“My breasts are filled with sweet nectar for you. Suckle them daily as you thrust inside me. Mark me and make me yours always, my Forever Mate.”

Oh my God, is he serious?

Penny didn’t know if she could do this. It was hard enough to look into the eyes of a perfect stranger and basically beg him to breed her in front of a large crowd, but this was going too far.

Still, she could feel the gaze of the Glorious Leader staring directly at her and she knew she had no choice.

I hope you choke on a chicken bone, you cult leading asshole! she thought at him fiercely. Then, her cheeks burning with embarrassment, she looked into V’rex’s eyes and recited the vows.

“My…my breasts are filled with sweet nectar for you. Suckle…”

Penny took a deep breath. God, if only the big Hybrid wouldn’t keep staring at her like this—though of course she was staring at him too. But looking into his eyes while she said these X-rated things was so shameful and intense. Still, she had to go on.

“Suckle them daily as you…as you thrust inside me. Mark me and make me yours always, my Forever Mate,” she finally got out.

Once again she felt hyperaware of her bare breasts, which were thrusting out of the long strands of colorful billix grass and her tight nipples, which were, indeed, leaking the sticky-sweet nectar.

But to V’rex’s credit, he didn’t even glance down at her naked breasts. He only gave her a tiny nod, as though she’d passed some kind of test.

“Very good!” This time the Glorious Leader looked pleased. “And now for the males. Please look into your new bride’s eyes and repeat after me, gentlemen: ‘You are my bride. You are mine.”

V’rex looked at her so intently Penny felt like his pale gold eyes were seeing into her soul.

“You are my bride, sweetheart,” he murmured, staring down at her. “You are mine.”

“To do with as I please, at any hour of the day or night,” the Glorious Leader continued.

V’rex repeated these lines as well, but it was the next vow that had Penny blushing all over again.

“I vow to thrust my shaft deep inside you and fill you with my seed, to suckle your nipples and give you relief from the nectar which swells them to fullness, and to breed you daily until your belly swells with life.”

His soft, deep voice rumbling the pornographic promises as he stared into her eyes made Penny’s heart skitter in her chest and her face felt so hot she was sure her cheeks must be glowing neon pink.

God, she’d read plenty of books where the hero was good at dirty talk and said this kind of thing—well, sort of—to the heroine while they were making love. But she’d never had a man talk directly to her and say anything close to the vows V’rex was reciting. Her last serious boyfriend, Garret, hadn’t been willing to say anything at all during sex—he’d just grunted a lot and then had gone right to sleep afterwards.

But the vows were continuing.

“I claim you as my bride to love, cherish, and protect. You will be mine forever—I will never let you go,” V’rex finished.

And then, to Penny’s surprise, he let go of one of her hands and reached up to cup her cheek. Weren’t the vows finished? What was he doing?

“Mine,” he murmured again, for her ears alone. “Mine forever, sweetheart.”

Penny didn’t know what to do or what to say. He wasn’t just reciting a vow this time—it was like he was adding to what had been said. And he was still looking directly into her eyes as he spoke. She wanted to drop her own gaze and blush with mortification, but she couldn’t look away. She was trapped in a pale golden sea that reflected her own flushed, uncertain face, as though V’rex could somehow see inside her…

“Very good!” The Glorious Leader clapped his hands loudly, breaking the spell Penny had fallen under. Finally she was able to tear her gaze away from the big Hybrid’s.


