Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

Sleeping arrangements, however, proved to be a problem.

“No, you can’t fucking sleep on the couch,” V’rex growled at her, after dragging her into the bathroom so they could talk privately after Penny made the suggestion. “We’re supposed to be playing the happy couple, remember? It won’t look right if we don’t both sleep in the same bed.”

“You really think they watch us while we’re sleeping, too?” Penny demanded.

“Not all the time—but they look in often enough. Look.” V’rex opened the bathroom door a crack and pointed up at the smooth white ceiling. Up there, centered directly over the bed, was a small red light, glowing like a lonely coal in the center of an empty fireplace.

“See how it’s lit?” V’rex leaned down to murmur in her ear. “I think that means they’re watching. Sometimes it flickers and goes out—that’s when we have privacy. But it’s not off very often.”

“Oh…” Penny stared in discomfort at the glowing red light. “I didn’t notice it all the way up there.”

“Well, you’re not as close to the ceiling as I am, little girl.” He flashed her a sarcastic grin. “And also, I’ve been in this domicile about a week already and it’s only your first day. But you should know that there are lights like that one in the dining area, the living area, and the food-prep area. Like I said, the only room in the house that doesn’t have one is here.” He nodded at the bathroom. “Presumably because while the ‘Glorious Leader’ gets off on watching people fucking, he’s thankfully not so turned on by seeing them shitting.”

Penny made a face and he shrugged.

“Sorry if that’s too crude for you, but those are the facts. This is the only room that’s not being watched. And since we know we’re being watched day and night, we need to do what’s expected of us.”

Penny sighed reluctantly.

“All right. It’s just…uncomfortable, that’s all.”

“What—sleeping with someone you don’t know very well?” V’rex raised an eyebrow at her. “It’s not particularly comfortable for me either, sweetheart. Especially considering we’re both going to be naked and you’re so damn luscious and curvy.”

“What?” Penny squeaked. “I am not sleeping naked with you! I have had enough nudity around strangers to last a lifetime and I’m not looking for any more!”

“First of all, I’m not a stranger—not anymore,” V’rex growled, frowning. “And second, did you notice any nightclothes in the closet? No,” he continued, when Penny reluctantly shook her head. “Because they don’t provide them. Because they expect the couples around here—especially the newly mated ones—to be breeding constantly and clothes only get in the way when you’re sole fucking aim is giving your female a big belly.”

Penny bit her lip uncertainly.

“It’s just…the bed is big but so are you. I mean, I’m not skinny either, but you’re almost seven feet tall and built like a pro wrestler! How are we going to get into bed together naked and not touch?”

“We won’t be able to,” V’rex said simply. “But that doesn’t mean we have to touch intimately. If it makes you so uncomfortable to be close to me, we can always lay back to back if you want.”

“All right,” Penny said reluctantly. “I guess…guess it’ll be okay if we’re back to back.”

“Fine.” V’rex yawned. “Now that we’ve got that settled, I need to get some sleep. It’s back to the fucking greenhouse and trimming the fruit trees for me tomorrow. And I guess you’re going to get your ‘work assignment’ too, right?”

Penny nodded.

“We’re supposed to meet in the park and they’ll tell us what we’re going to do for our job.”

“Well then, we both need to get some sleep,” V’rex said practically. “Do you want to get into bed first, or should I?” he asked.

Penny was touched that he would give her a choice. It would certainly be easier and less embarrassing for one of them to go out naked and get into bed and then for the other to follow, than for both of them to got out together.

“I’ll go,” she decided. “And, uh, thanks for being understanding, V’rex.”

“Just trying to make you comfortable, sweetheart,” he growled. “Go on—I’ll close the fresher door while you get into bed. When you’re ready for me to come out, just cough really loud.”

“Okay.” Penny nodded gratefully.

She slipped out the bathroom door and once she heard it click closed, she quickly slid out of her blue toga and slipped between the cool, surprisingly silky sheets

When she had a choice, Penny always slept on the right side of the bed so that was the one she took now. She cuddled down into the puffy mattress, shivering a little at the chill of the sheets, and pulled the furry blue bedspread up to her chin.

She looked up at the ceiling for a moment, eyeing the steady red light—it still amazed her how blatant the Compound was about spying on people—and then turned firmly on her right side and coughed.


