Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

That made her think of V’rex, for some reason. She quickly pushed the thought out of her head as she looked at her new outfit in the 3-D viewer in the bathroom.

There was no bra to go with the blue toga, either, though Penny had almost gotten used to not wearing one. She wasn’t really comfortable without one, though, owing to the fact that her breasts had grown so much.

There was also the problem of her leaking nipples. Penny looked around and finally put some tissues between her nipples and the thin fabric of the toga, but she could tell it wasn’t going to be a workable solution for long. Plus, her breasts really hurt—they were full of the sticky stuff and it had been over twenty-four hours since she’d had it sucked out.

Back at the Breeding and Conception Center, she’d been drained at the suction center—a kind of room which had chairs with built in breast pumps—every evening before bed. That had been uncomfortable, but bearable.

She just sat in the padded armchair-like seat and a pair of clear suction cups on long, flexible stalks had curved around to fit over her nipples. Then they sucked away the nectar, draining her breasts and leaving her much more comfortable until it built up again and she had to go back for another suction session the next day.

The first time this had happened, Penny had been freaked out by the moving suction cups. But after she got over her shock, she was actually glad they seemed to have a mind of their own and were able to attach without involving anyone else. She didn’t like the idea of the NeverBreeder doctors and scientists handling her body any more than they already did during the awful womb exams.

But here in the village of “Love Huts” there was no suction center and no comfy chairs with self-directed suction cups to ease the pressure and—to be honest—the growing pain of her too-full breasts.

And there was no way to drain her breasts. Well…no way that wasn’t extremely embarrassing.

Because she most definitely was not going to ask the big Hybrid to help her with this particular problem, Penny promised herself. Just the thought of bringing it up made her want to cringe inside. It would be so horribly embarrassing—not to mention much more intimate than she wanted to get with V’rex. She was already in deeper with the dangerous space pirate than she wanted to be—she needed to be putting more distance between them, not less.

Well, there was nothing she could do about it right now, so she decided to try and ignore the pain in her breasts and see what else there was to do in the Love Hut.

Besides breeding, that is, whispered a little voice in her head.

Penny pushed it away and went to explore. The Love Hut was set up like a small cottage, built just for two, which made sense because nobody had any babies here. Well, not ones they would want to claim, anyway, after they’d gone through the chemical baths and become the horrible Oompa-Loompa NeverBreeders.

There was a living area decorated in blue and white with an overstuffed loveseat positioned in front of a wide TV-like screen. Penny wondered what kind of programs they played here—probably all Compound propaganda, she decided and moved on to the next room—which was pretty much the last room in the house.

It was a neatly set up kitchen decorated in yellow and white with a small refrigerator just about Penny’s height which only held a few items—some of which were meat, she saw with a shudder. But there were some odd-looking alien fruits and vegetables too, so at least there was something she could eat.

There were pots and pans and a stovetop filled with blue rocks which got hot when she flipped a switch. There were also several sets of very long tongs. Apparently she was supposed to grill everything on the rocks, Penny thought, frowning. Well, it was awkward but doable, she decided. Like having a barbeque every night.

The last part of the house was a dining area which was attached to the kitchen. It was really more of a breakfast nook with a tiny table set for two with only two chairs.

Playing the “little wife,” Penny made a dinner out of the ingredients stocked in the fridge—though she avoided the meat—and called the big Hybrid to the table. She was afraid he might remark on the absence of meat and object to having only grilled vegetables for dinner, but he only thanked her for cooking and then they ate in relative silence.

It occurred to Penny that, after talking so much in the bathroom, they both had a lot to think about. She didn’t try to make conversation, just finished the rather bland meal—wishing she had more of the flavor sticks from the Breeding and Conception Center—and then it was time for bed.


