Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“So you picked me so you could breed me?” she demanded, her eyes flashing.

“No, no!” V held up his hands quickly to stop her. “No, I picked you because I could tell by your eyes you weren’t hypnotized either. I thought that maybe between the two of us, we could figure out a way to get out of here.”

Which wasn’t exactly the whole truth, he had to admit to himself. He’d picked the little female because he wanted her—hell, he’d wanted her from the first time he’d seen her wearing that skintight black suit in the Lucky Lounge.

But after facing the threat of being raped or worse during the next Public Breeding, he didn’t think Penelope needed to hear about his sexual desire for her right now. He could feel pain and misery and shame rolling off her in waves—better to keep it to himself.

Luckily, his words seemed to have a positive effect on her.

“Yes—a way out.” Her gorgeous brown eyes were suddenly sparkling with hope. “You said something about a plan this morning—did you come up with anything more?”

“Maybe.” V cast a look at the red light in the ceiling again. It was still dark, but he still didn’t feel exactly comfortable discussing escape plans around it, even so. “C’mon,” he murmured, rising and holding out a hand to her. “Let’s go to the fresher to discuss it.”

“Okay,” she agreed and stood up to take his hand.

When she did, her chest—which she had been hiding by hunching over all this time—was suddenly revealed. V’s eyes widened as he took her in.

Holy Goddess—her breasts are almost twice as big as they were!

He could tell by the way the top of her over-the-shoulder dress thing was fitting her. The one she’d put on this morning had been a little tight across the front, but nothing unreasonable. This one, however—which he knew was the same size, since he had picked both of them out at the Marketplace in preparation for Penelope coming to live with him—was fitting her much differently.

Her breasts were crammed into the blue top which was bulging as it tried to support and cover her. The blue fabric was stretched so tightly across her front it looked like it might pop or tear at any minute. And on either side of the strained fabric, V could see the reason for the problem—two large wet spots right over the sharp points of her nipples.

Her nectar! he thought and felt a surge of anger at himself. In his eagerness to assure her he wasn’t going to rape her the night before, he’d forgotten all about the other problems the hormones she’d been given could cause her. Hadn’t the GL laid it out plainly, during his “pep talk” before the Unification Ceremony? Hadn’t he explained that the females who had been given the “Mother’s Milk” would need to have their breasts drained regularly?

He had also talked about how they would need male fluids in their pussies, but that didn’t appear to be the main problem right now. It was her breasts that were hurting her—so full and ripe they were spilling over with the sweet, sticky nectar.

And she’s too ashamed to ask me to help, V thought. Now the pain and shame he’d felt coming from her earlier made sense. Penelope was hurting but she was too embarrassed and stubborn to ask for help.

The question was, would she take help even if he offered it?

V doubted it. He had to find another way to help her—a way to get around the thorny shield she’d enclosed herself in. He would have to make her let him help.

He was aware this might not go over very well with the little female. In fact, he might lose what little of her trust he’d gained or make her so angry she’d never want to talk to him again.

Well, that’s too damn bad, he told himself. He was going to do whatever it took to help her, even if she didn’t like it

He had to—he couldn’t stand to see her in pain.


Penny saw his expression change from conspiratorial secretiveness to pity the moment she stood up. Looking down to where his eyes had wandered, she could see why.

Two huge wet spots had formed on the top of her toga, right over the tight points of her nipples which were pressing hard against the strained fabric. It couldn’t have been more obvious what was going on with her—or more embarrassing, Penny thought as hot blood rushed to her cheeks. She’d thought she felt the nectar leaking earlier, but she was so upset by their conversation, she hadn’t paid any attention. Now she wished she would have.

“Oh, um…” She attempted to cover her swollen breasts with her arms, only to gasp and pull away again due to the pain even the slightest contact caused.


