Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

He brought the bottle back to the bed and immediately, the little thing emerged from Tanya’s hair and hopped onto his lap, climbed up to his hand, gripped his fingers with front paws and opened its’ mouth wide, waiting for Zane to stick the false nipple in its mouth.

Zane shook his head as he lifted the bottle up and let the thing latch on.

He stared down at the still sleeping woman in his bed and rolled his eyes while he continued to feed the small, pink pest attached to his finger.



I woke up to clicking noises, thinking about my mother, who used to click away on her keyboard late at night doing transcription work as a second job when I was in high school. I often fell asleep to that rhythmic sound. I woke up in Zane’s arms. Oh wow. What?

We were tangled together. He was shirtless and I was lying on his hot torso. Both of his arms were wrapped around me and holy moly… one of his hot palms was on my ass, the other arm thrown over my hip. My body was draped over him, one of my legs linked around his, my head on his ribs. I blinked away the fog of sleep and could see directly in front of me a view of a prominent bulge. He had on gray sleeping pants and they sat precariously low, showing off his Adonis belt, the dark treasure trail, and the outline of Zane’s penis. I swallowed. I felt that bulge against me last night. Over my clothes, but still…


Oh. Chili!

It was bright in the bedroom. I frowned as I untangled myself from him. His eyes opened and were on me.

I rubbed my eyes with my palms and swung my legs to the side.

I fumbled, forgetting about the two steps down and heard Zane hiss in response. I tripped, but didn’t fall so I held my hands up in a Whoa, I’m okay move and rounded the bed to get to the bottom, finding Chili trying to break out of his cage. He was biting on one of the locks at the bottom of the door, his little paws wrapped around the bars, jiggling them. God, he was cute. My heart flared with how adorable he was.

“Sorry, Chili. One sec.” I assessed the locks and saw that two were already open. The easy ones. Wait. Did I sleep all night and miss his feedings? “Oh my God, have you gone all night without eating?” I gasped.

“He ate.” The sleepy rumble of Zane’s voice gave me goosebumps for some reason. I looked at him.

“I fed him. Twice,” he told me, looking sleepy and also looking mildly annoyed.

“Twice?” I asked.

“You were comatose.” He lifted his phone. “I’ll order a bottle.”

I fiddled with the cage lock and couldn’t figure out how to undo it. It nagged at me that the night before; I hadn’t been able to close it.

“I can’t…” I grunted with frustration. “Darn it.”

I needed to pee, too. I crossed my legs and bounced on the balls of my feet while wrestling with the lock.

“Here.” He sauntered over, looking absolutely edible with all those muscles, those pants still sitting really low on his hip bones.

I stared at his abs as he approached me and then my eyes darted up and I pushed my unruly hair out of my eyes.

Last evening’s events washed over me like something both sweet and salty. Sweet - the sensations he’d evoked in my body. Salty - how he stopped me from reciprocating, catching my wrist just the exact same way as Giorgio did that night of daiquiris and mortification a year before. Salty – my behavior afterwards.

“I gather you didn’t get these locked properly when you went to bed,” Zane muttered, “as I woke up and this little monster was in the process of bounding into the bed with us.”

I gasped. “Sorry. I had trouble with the two bottom ones and… gave up.”

“Yeah.” He gave me a disapproving look.

He had more than a five o’clock shadow on his face and it was insanely attractive. Dark stubble made his eyes all the more piercing and they did pierce me. I felt mortification rush through me.

I got drunk. I propositioned him.

He made me come with his mouth and fingers. Twice. Then when he stopped me from going for his fly I sulked and then acted like a sloppy drunken train wreck and neglected my responsibilities with the newborn helpless animal I’d pushed him to rescue. He had to take care of it all night.

“I’m sorry, Zane,” I said, meeting his eyes. “I got drunk and I don’t know if I’ve ever been that drunk in my life.”

This was worse than the night with the daiquiris. Way worse.

His eyes were on me and I couldn’t read them.


