Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

“It really is,” she agreed, grabbed a cupcake and bit into it. Her eyes went wider and the moan that came out of her as she chewed made Zane’s cock jerk.

She licked her lips, rolled her neck back, and her eyes rolled. “That’s the best cupcake I’ve ever eaten in my whole entire life. I’d like to save that third one for Ollie. He needs to experience this.”

And Zane had never, in his whole entire life, wanted to fuck someone so badly before.

She put the cupcake down and speared up a forkful of vegetables.

“Why not finish it?” he inquired, amused.

“I like to savor the best parts of a meal. I just needed a sneak peek. And the rest of this meal is pretty dang good, too.”

He chuckled.

“Aren’t you gonna eat?” she asked, sipping her wine.

Zane shook off his daze. He’d been so busy enjoying watching her eat that he had forgotten his own appetite. He speared up some roasted vegetables and steak on the fork and popped it into his mouth. The food was good. And he was very much enjoying the company.

“Tell me about your job,” she invited. “What does your company do besides help Earth girls talk to Phallyx boys?”

He jerked in surprise. Arla had never been interested in his work. She’d glaze over with boredom in the early days of building his company when he’d come home excited to share about opportunities, about breakthroughs.

Straight out of school he began consulting for other companies while inventing his own technology tools. When Zane made a discovery that led to the venture with his brother, Arla had become angry about it, worrying that Zane wasn’t taking enough of a profit in his invention’s licensing to his brother’s weapon company. That was the only time she’d been concerned, other than when she complained about his work being too high of a priority.

“Several years ago, there were two major technology companies with different home automation products. I developed a hub that integrated them to work together. It used to be you had to choose one brand over the other. My product changed that. Now there are many brands to choose from. It opened things up for more companies to craft home automation technology. From there, I invented some other things. Translation technology so that Phallyx can more easily communicate with other planets. I developed some other tools used in transportation and also in weaponry and military intelligence, too.”

“Did your product make it so you can communicate with Earth’s technology? Even breaking through firewalls and hacking passwords?”

“Smart girl,” he said with a tight smile.

“I figured you had some sort of awesome gizmo to give you the skills to hack into my e-library. But you’re the one that invented it?”

He winked at her. “I’ve got skills.” The double-meaning was not an accident.

She flushed pink and put her wineglass to her mouth.

A screech rent the air.

Tanya jolted, causing a slosh of overflowing wine to the cushion beside her.

Zane reached with his napkin toward the little puddle.

“What was that?” she gasped.

“Just a fuschialala-viscacha.”

“A who?”

“Most call them fuschillas. They’re a nuisance,” Zane waved dismissively.

Just then, he caught a flash of the typical vibrant pink run down the side of the building and stop at the railing. The animal screeched at Tanya, open-mouthed, and then it darted downwards. Something went wrong and it took a tumble and landed hard in the garden.

Tanya gasped.

“They’re forest animals that are petrified of people. Particularly females. Phallyxian women loved them for their fur.”

“It’s hurt.” She leaned forward and stared down at the open area below them where there was a pink pile of fluff.

She scampered out of the pyramid and was running down the stairs.

“Tanya! Your ankle.”

She ignored him and was on her knees in front of it in no time.

“Oh Zane. It’s hurt! And there’s a baby on its back! Oh my god. It’s like a small pink chinchilla with bunny ears and a monkey tail.”

The animal screamed loudly, and Tanya covered her ears but didn’t back away.

“It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you. Zane, we need a blanket. And a first aid kit.”

He was behind her. She was on her knees on the ground and the animal reached and grasped her finger.

These things hated women, so that was peculiar.

The light went out of the animal’s eyes and its tongue lolled to the side.

“No,” she gasped.

“It’s dead, Tanya.”

She whimpered. “Oh no. How did it die?”

“It was likely already hurt or ill when it went barreling down the side of the house. That sort of fall shouldn’t have been fatal. I have a deterrent system in place. It shouldn’t have even been here.”

“We need to do something for the baby. Here little guy.” The dead animal’s paw flopped. Tanya reached forward with her finger and the tiny pink infant immediately hopped from its dead mother’s back onto Tanya’s finger, perching with front and back feet gripping her index finger and thumb, wrapping its’ tail around her wrist. It sniffed her finger, likely catching the scent of its dead parent. It stared at her with big eyes and then hopped and burrowed under the length of her hair.


