Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

Ordering me so many things before I even came here, not knowing me … was it just super generous of him or what?

Oh God, I wasn’t the same size as his dead wife, was I? No. It couldn’t be. He wouldn’t put her things under a profile for me. Or, maybe the house did, being ‘intelligent’ enough to know they were women’s clothes? I shook it off. No point presuming anything. He’d told me on day one that he would go through the items with me that he’d purchased and as he hadn’t done it, I wasn’t about to go ahead and use anything.


He was sitting with a larger iPad-like tablet at the table for two beside his bed. The table was laid out with food and a big black steaming mug. He had a twin mug in his hand, held aloft while he had his eyes on the tablet in his hand. He put the tablet down upon my arrival and watched me walk in. He was still shirtless, looking relaxed at the table with his bare feet crossed at the ankles, wearing those grey lounge pants.

I sat at the table across from him and immediately lifted the mug to my mouth, surveying the table which had what appeared to be scrambled eggs with all sorts of vegetables throughout as well as what looked like sausage links, but an orange color. A bowl of fruit sat there with purple bananas and strawberries that were the size of baseballs as well as peach-like fruits that were white with a purple leopard spot pattern.

I could see Chili’s little crate sitting on that sofa at the edge of Zane’s bed and he was attached to the bars looking out at me with big eyes. I wanted to fetch him and bring him out, but talked myself out of it. We were at the breakfast table. And, Zane had said we needed a chat.

I had butterflies in my stomach. Not good ones. The coffee was delicious, just like it was yesterday.

Zane spooned eggs onto my plate and then lifted a set of fancy-looking golden tongs and piled some meat on my plate beside it. I stared at the food, appreciating the aroma, but not in the least bit hungry.

“About last night,” he said, as he ladled eggs onto his own plate, but his phone interrupted him. “Just a minute, Tanya. Sorry.”

“Father, hello,” he greeted, gesturing to the food as if to tell me to go ahead and eat.

I lifted my fork and pushed some of the food around with it, eyes downcast.

“Good, good. Sure, send him home in… maybe thirty minutes?” Zane put some meat on his plate and set the tongs down.

My heart skipped a beat at the idea of spending time with Zane’s little boy. I was suddenly nervous.

“Oh, really? Well, fine then.” There was laughter in his voice. “Now’s a good a time as any.”

I heard a squeal on the other side of the line from across the table. I looked up and our eyes met. His were practically dancing with humor.

Zane laughed again. “No. Nothing major to report on that score but some other things I need to talk to you about. But… oh? Yes, how about dinner. Your house?” He paused and then laughed some more. “Right. Mine then. Thanks again.”

He ended his call and smirked at me. “Ollie’s about ready to burst, so although I wanted us to have time for a chat, I won’t hold him off any longer. We can talk tonight, but Tanya, please know…” He reached across the table, tagged my hand, and squeezed it. “I am not upset that you drank too much. Truthfully, I should’ve chosen to cut the wine with fruit juice or sparkling water to dilute it after seeing your blood alcohol level after a glass and a half the night before. And, as for the rest… I very much enjoyed what we did last night. Very much.” He squeezed my hand and leaned forward. “If I had allowed you to get to your goal when you tried to return the favor, it would all have been over embarrassingly quick. In case you haven’t figured it out, it’s been a while for me, and you had me quite worked up. I didn’t want to embarrass myself.”

He gave me a dazzling smile and shrugged.

“It’s not that I didn’t want what you were offering. Believe me…”

I flushed pink and looked away.

“Hey? We don’t have to rush this. For some reason, you seem to be in a panic, and I don’t want you to feel that way. I’m feeling very positive about the direction we’re taking, but Tanya… there’s no need for us to be in a hurry.”

Oh my God. He doesn’t know. He has no clue about the 72-hour window. I stared at the table, shock rocking me. I mean, I suspected, but now I knew. He had no idea.


