The Merger – Brewer Family Read Online Adriana Locke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 83070 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

“Easy there,” Gannon says, lifting a brow.

Tate rolls his eyes. “You don’t get to be all macho just because you’re … having sexual relations.”

I can’t hold back the laughter. The sound rings through the kitchen and I swear steam comes from Tate’s ears.

“You don’t know her,” he says. “I do. She’s a pain in the ass.”

“Oh, come on,” I say.

“You don’t even answer my texts anymore. I mean, you do, but barely. You don’t even give me compliments that I ask for and yet you still call yourself my best friend.” He snorts. “I’ve been having crises, and you leave me to deal with them on my own.”

“Maybe I’ve been having a crisis too.”

He shakes his head again and resumes his march to the refrigerator. “You think this is a crisis? Just wait until you’re sick of his shit and you’re on his nerves. I’m telling you both now that I’m not taking sides. Well, okay, I will and it’ll be Carys’s primarily out of spite.”

“I’ll try to survive,” Gannon deadpans.

“This is ruining my life already,” Tate says. “I need a drink.”

He reaches for the handle, and I hold my breath. Instead of gripping the door, his fingers go to the sonogram. He stills.

“What the hell is this?” he asks.

Gannon stands beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist.

Tate pulls the image from the magnet.

“I haven’t meant to ignore you,” I say. “I’ve just been sick.”

He turns slowly, his jaw sweeping the floor. “Hold on …”

“Tate, you’re going to be an uncle,” Gannon says.

“Is Ripley having a baby?”

“No, you fucker. I am,” I say, laughing.

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.”

“Who with?”

“Tate, I’m going to kill you,” Gannon growls.

I place a hand on Gannon’s chest to settle him down. “We wanted to tell you first. We’re having a baby.”

His eyes could not be any bigger.

“This is probably shocking,” I say. “But I hope you’ll be supportive because I love your brother.”

He sets the sonogram down and then walks toward us. He’s stunned, barely blinking as he moves around the island.

My lip quivers as I watch his reaction—the first person aside from Gannon and myself to know the news. Seeing him go through the stages of surprise, fear, and what I think is acceptance makes me want to cry. How did I get so lucky to have both of these men in my life?

He stops in front of Gannon. They stand eye to eye.

“Do you love her?” Tate asks, with a touch of a growl. It’s reminiscent of Gannon, now that I think about it.

“How do you not love her?”

Tate grabs Gannon and pulls him into a hug. Gannon stiffens for a moment before semi-hugging him back. The two of them embracing, so very different but still so similar, makes me smile.

My fiancé and my best friend.

Tate pulls away with tears in his eyes. “So, I’m the godfather, right?”

“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Gannon says, chuckling.

“That’s why I’m here, isn’t it? Because you want me to take on the role as the favorite uncle, the one to guide your baby into its life. I mean, I get it, and I accept.”

“Only you could make this about you,” Gannon says.

“Can I call Ripley and rub it in that I know?” Tate asks, grinning mischievously. “Please?”

“No. I’m going to call Mom and then tell the others,” Gannon says.

“Then at least tell me if it’s a boy or a girl.”

I grin. “We’re not telling anyone.”

“Except me,” Tate says deadpan.

“We’re not telling anyone,” I say, repeating myself.

“I won’t say a word,” Tate says. “If you don’t want to have to say you told me, just say pink or blue.”

“We’re not telling you,” Gannon says. “Damn.”

“That’s some bullshit.” He returns to the fridge and gets a water, downing the whole thing. “Okay, now that I’m hydrated and can think, let’s be clear about something. I’m not giving up my weekly lunches with you. And I still need you to wingwoman me.”

“Excuse fucking me?” Gannon says, ready to fight.

“He means that he wants to use me to help him get girls,” I say, laughing. “Settle down.”

“And I fully expect to be included in this baby’s life,” Tate says. “I want full access.”

“You can’t come in here and make demands,” Gannon says, holding out his hands.

“You’re trying to steal my girl!”

Gannon smirks. “She’s my girl, fucker. Watch your language.”

“I’m going to go call my mom,” I say. “Can you two not kill each other while I’m gone?”

Tate glares at Gannon. “We’ll try.”

Gannon ignores him, kissing my cheek. “Love you.”

“This is ridiculous,” Tate mutters as I walk away.

My heart’s overflowing as I sit in the breakfast area. Tate might be dramatic, but he’ll calm down. I was nervous about telling him despite knowing he’d be excited. But now that it’s out in the open, I wish we would’ve done it sooner because the feeling of this baby bringing people together fills me with a joy and peace that I didn’t know existed.


