The Merger – Brewer Family Read Online Adriana Locke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 83070 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

I moan, tightening my grip on him.

“Do you like the thought of that?” he asks, brushing a strand of hair from my face. “I do. You’re my very own playland.”

My hand slides up and down his shaft faster as my spit trickles down to his balls.

“We’re about there,” he says softly. “Are you ready for me to come?”

I nod as best as I can.

He guides my face up and down with his hands, thrusting gently into my mouth. I hold still, playing with his balls, as he finds his desired rhythm.

“What a lucky fucker I am,” he groans, his head tipping back as his body starts to tremble.

His cock swells as he pumps it into my mouth. Faster. Harder. More urgently.

A low rumble rolls past his lips, and then his fingertips dig into the sides of my head. He shakes, quivering in his seat as his thick fluid explodes down my throat.

I moan, squeezing my eyes as he drains himself into me. My pussy is on fire, throbbing for relief.

He growls as he guides my head up and his cock pops free.

I wipe my mouth, smiling up at him. “Is that better?”

Gannon holds my gaze, twisting his lips into a sexy grin. “Not yet.”


His tucks his cock back in his pants and then reaches for me. Grabbing my waist, he pulls me onto his lap with my back to his front.

My heart pounds as he presses soft kisses to my neck and his hands slide down my body.

“What are you doing?” I whisper as he bunches my dress up at my waist.

“I will never be satisfied until you’re satisfied.” He presses a kiss behind my ear. “Try not to scream.”

I sag against him as his fingers find my soaked flesh.

“That turned you on, didn’t it?” He chuckles against my shoulder. “Could you be any more perfect?”

I grip the armrests like he did moments ago as the build in my belly grows heavier.

The pad of his thumb presses slow circles around my clit and two fingers are inserted in my pussy.

“That feels so good,” I say, fucking his fingers.

His mouth hovers over my ear. “Does it?”


“Does it feel as good as when you dreamed of me?”

I chuckle, finding it hard to concentrate. “Better.”

“Good. Then come for me.”

He bites lightly on my earlobe and presses harder against my nub. The shock of both at the same time lifts me and throws me over the edge of my orgasm.

“God,” I moan, my head resting against his shoulder. I shudder violently beneath his touch. “Stop. You have to stop.” I sink my nails into his arms, trying to pry his hands away from me. “I’m going to die if you don’t stop.”

“No, you aren’t,” he says, kissing down my neck. “Relax and let go. Give me all of it.”

Another wave hits me hard. I shriek as the intensity rips through me, nearly tearing me apart.

“There you go,” he says, encouraging me. “Come all over my hand, beautiful.”

I cry out, feeling like my body’s falling apart.

“Watching you like this makes me hard all over again,” he whispers.

I grip his wrists and slow my movements. Gannon eases, too, taking his cues from me. I float back gently to reality with a smile.

The vehicle slows as we enter a packed street lined with cars.

“We’re here.” Gannon helps me back to my seat before digging around in a bag in the back. He hands me a moistened towelette and a dry washcloth. “I’m going to get out and give you time to put yourself back together, okay?”

I sigh. “I’d appreciate that.”

“Unless you want me to do it for you …”

“If you touch me again, this car is going home.”

He bursts out laughing, and the sound is music to my ears. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m drowning in post-orgasmic bliss, or if his laughter is so rare that it’s such a treat when it happens.

But, really, who cares? I get to enjoy it in my blissed-out state and that’s all that matters.

“Knock on the window when you’re ready.” He leans over and kisses me sweetly. “There’s no rush.”


He straightens himself before opening his door and stepping onto the street. I watch him chat with Gray through the tinted glass. I can’t help but wonder what they’re saying.

But the biggest wonderment is the way Gannon holds himself. Shoulders relaxed. Lips soft. Almost a smile on his face.

I did that for him.

That makes me grin.

But he did this for me, too.

What a wild night this has already been … and we’re just getting started.

Chapter Twenty-Two


“This looks nothing like my high school,” I whisper, clutching Gannon’s hand.

He gives mine a gentle squeeze. “Just remember that looks can be deceiving.”

“Well, if it isn’t Gannon Brewer.” A burly man with silvery hair shoves a hand Gannon’s way, catching him off guard. “How have you been? It’s been a while.”


