Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 83070 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 83070 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)
I pick up my legal pad. “Car seats face backward, which I didn’t know, and we need to check any chemicals you use for Plantcy to make sure they’re nontoxic.”
“Smart. I hadn’t thought of that.”
The next thing on the list is going to be a tough sell. I pause, contemplating a good angle of attack, but before I can come up with something, she points at my paper.
“Does that say Gremlin?” she asks.
Fuck. “Yes, it does.”
“I’ll buy you any car you want. Anything. But your Gremlin isn’t safe.”
“But I love my car.”
“There are no airbags, no antilock braking systems. I’m not saying we have to get rid of it.We can keep it. But I think for you and the baby, we need something more modern. Something safer. Like a tank.”
Her laugh sweeps through the room, making me smile.
“If you let me take your picture driving the Gremlin, I’ll consider getting a new car,” she says.
“You’re playing hardball.”
“I know it. You’re going to have to learn the art of compromise because I run a hard bargain.”
I roll my eyes and don’t respond, mostly because she knows I’ll do whatever she wants if that means she’ll agree to be safe. I’m turning into a sucker already. And I don’t give a flying fuck.
“We have one more little problem,” I say.
She hums against my side.
This is one I’ve thought about the most tonight.
“Who’s telling Tate?” I ask.
“He’s going to go nuts.” She giggles. “I haven’t even thought about telling him that we’re having a baby. Can you imagine his reaction?”
Yes, I can. And I’m excited for it because I know once he gets beyond his panic and drama, he’ll be excited, too. Tate is a pain in the ass, but he’s a good man. And, most importantly, he loves Carys—and he’ll love our baby. That means I have a whole new level of respect for the guy. Even if he’s annoying, if he’ll protect my girl and child, I’ll manage.
“I know it’s still very early and we might not want to tell people for a while,” I say. “But thinking about Tate’s reaction has been entertaining.”
“Yeah. Let’s see a doctor before we get too far out in the weeds, then we can make some decisions about how to tell people. I mean, who knows? The doctor could say the test was bad.”
The thought is a shot in the heart, but I know she’s right. There are many things that could go wrong, and there’s no need to get ahead of ourselves.
I lean back and smile at her. “Fair. But can I ask you one thing?”
“Will you marry me anyway? Even if the test is wrong, I still want to be your husband.”
She plants a kiss to my sternum and gets comfortable. “You better marry me anyway. You’ve already asked.”
I scribble one more note on my notepad, and then toss it on the beside table. Then I turn off the lamp. Wrapping my arms around my fiancée, I sigh happily.
I finally feel like I can go to sleep.
Chapter Twenty-Nine
“What’s this?” I set my sleeve of crackers on the table and take the box Gannon hands me. “I hope it’s a magic wand to stop this nausea.”
He kisses my forehead and sits, running a palm behind my thigh.
It’s his new thing to be touching me constantly. If we’re in the same room, he has a knee against mine, a hand on my shoulder, or just wraps me in his arms. I’m not even sure if he realizes he’s doing it.
The breakfast area is one of my favorites in the house. There’s so much glass and sunshine that it feels good being in here. The little jade plant on the table doesn’t hurt, either.
Gannon said he doesn’t know how the plant got there, but suspects his housekeeper left it behind. I told him that jade plants represent good fortune and prosperity in some places in the world. He promised to give her a raise.
“It’s not a magic nausea wand,” he says, “but I think you might like it.”
I open the box and sort through the colored paper. A white book with thin black script is nestled in the bottom. Baby Brewer’s Baby Book.
“What’s this?” I ask, lifting it out of the box.
“I read about it the other night.” He squeezes my leg. “Some people write down doctor notes, and some use them as a diary. Sometimes, people add pictures and use them like a time capsule. I just thought you might like it.”
I pull him into a hug. This thoughtful man is too much. “I love it, Gannon.”
“And I love you.”
Chapter Thirty
Dear Baby Brewer,
We heard your heartbeat today. It was nice and strong, and I sobbed the entire time. I’ve never seen your daddy smile so big. He’s so proud of you already and is dying to know whether you’re a girl or a boy. I think I know, but we’ll have to wait and see.