Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“Look,” V told her reasonably. “Why don’t you just let me heal the outside of your soft little pussy? If that makes you feel better, maybe we can move on and you can let me heal the inside. What do you say?”

Penelope nibbled her lower lip.

“But what if…what if you start to, uh, heal me and you find out you don’t like the taste after all?”

V wished he could reach through time and space and punch the bastard who had given her this complex. Clearly Penelope’s last partner had been a complete idiot and he had infected her with the idea that she wasn’t good enough—that she couldn’t possibly be worthy of the pussy worship she deserved.

But since he didn’t have the ability to reach through the space-time continuum and punch the asshole out retroactively, he would have to convince her a different way.

“Okay, let me try it,” he said to Penelope.

“What?” Her eyes got wide.

“I don’t want to touch you right now, because you’re so sensitive,” V told her reasonably. “So you do it—use your finger to gather some of your honey and then let me suck it off.”

“Oh, but—” she started to protest.

“It’s the only way you’ll believe me,” V’rex pointed out. “So go on—do it.” He motioned for her to touch herself.

After a moment she did so, very hesitantly, though she made a little wince when she touched her own sensitive flesh.

Poor little female—she really did need to be healed, V thought, watching her. Even if he hadn’t wanted so badly to taste her pussy, he still would have wanted to lap her thoroughly to ease her pain.

Penelope inserted one finger into her pussy and pulled it out, shining with her juices. She was extremely wet with need, which only made V hotter. Before she could offer her finger to him, he took it, sucking it deep in his mouth to clean away her pussy honey.

Gods! he groaned to himself, his eyes closing tightly for a moment, the same way they did when he tasted an especially fine vintage of wine or some exotic delicacy. She tasted like salt and heat and need and desire. She tasted like sex.

V wanted more.

When he opened his eyes and looked at her again, she was looking back with a surprised expression on her face.

“You…like it?” she asked.

“I fucking love it, little girl,” he growled hungrily. “Now will you let me heal you or not?”

She bit her lip.

“Just…just the outside to start?”

“Just the outside,” V promised, though he fully intended to spread her sweet pussy wide open with his tongue and dive in fully at some point. After all, her pain and redness extended into the mouth of her pussy—so she was going to need to open up and let him tongue-fuck her to heal it.

But he sensed she wasn’t ready for that yet.

Gently, he reminded himself. Patience. Let her open up to you in her own time.

Accordingly, he waited for Penelope’s short, uncertain nod before he started.


Penny couldn’t believe this was really happening—couldn’t believe she was letting herself try this again after the fiasco with Garret. But V’rex seemed so sincere in his desire to heal her—and to taste her—and besides, she really was in a lot of pain.

The swelling and redness had happened so suddenly, Penny had been taken by surprise. She’d been a little swollen that morning, but she’d forgotten all about it after seeing V’rex chop off Skrug’s finger. After that, her physical discomfort had taken a back seat to her mental confusion and fear.

And now here you are, with the same man you were so afraid of, between your thighs, she reminded herself. What’s wrong with you Penny?

She honestly didn’t know. She only knew that she was in pain and in need and V was promising to cure her of both. Feeling both uncertain and almost unbearably aroused, she leaned back on her elbows and watched the big Hybrid as he began to heal her.


Penelope’s outer mound was completely smooth and hairless, so it was easy to see how badly she needed him. Her outer pussy lips were swollen and red and wet with her juices—so tender looking that at first all V dared to do was bathe them gently with careful strokes of his tongue.

He heard her swift intake of breath—a little hiss between her teeth—but he didn’t sense any pain coming from her. Rather, V guessed she was still uncertain about how he would feel about her taste.

He lapped her again, running the tip of his tongue from the bottom of each outer lip, all the way to the top, and then looked up at her.

“Fucking delicious, sweetheart,” he assured her hoarsely. “Is it feeling any better?”

“Yes,” she admitted, nodding. “Some.”

“Good.” Then she was ready for more direct contact. Pressing closer, V sucked one soft little pussy lip into his mouth, tugging it gently to send sparks of pleasure through her body. When he felt no pain coming from her, he released it slowly and did the same to the other.


