Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

Over and over again he sucked and licked her outer lips until Penelope was shifting restlessly and panting softly. At last he looked up at her.

“Ready to let me heal inside you, baby?” he growled softly. “Are you ready to let me spread your soft little pussy open and lick your hot little clit?”

Penelope bit her lip and looked at him uncertainly.

“You won’t…won’t sting me with your tongue, will you? I mean, as tender as I am right now, I just don’t think—”

“Don’t worry,” V promised her. “I swore I wouldn’t inject you with my lust-honey again until you asked me to.”

Although the Goddess knew he longed to sting her plump little clit and give her an instant orgasm as he tasted her pussy, he would just have to make her come the old-fashioned way. Not that he minded. He could have stayed between her thighs all day, lapping her soft little cunt.

“Okay, then.” She nodded hesitantly. “I guess you can…can heal me inside, too.”

“Good.” Without another word, V spread her newly-healed outer lips open, exposing her wet, swollen inner folds. Carefully, he lapped at her with the flat of his tongue, spreading his healing lust-honey over as much surface area as possible.

He knew it was working when Penelope moaned softly and bucked her hips, just a little, as though mutely begging for more. Looking up, V caught her eyes with his and held her gaze as he lapped her again, more deeply this time. As he dragged his tongue over the swollen bump of her Goddess Pearl, her eyelids fluttered closed and she let out a little sound of pure pleasure that went straight to his cock.

Gods, how he loved going down! There was nothing like the taste of a hot, wet pussy and the moans of pleasure from a female while he lapped her. It was his favorite fucking thing in the universe.

But now that Penelope was responding well to his healing, V was determined to do more—to go deeper. Hooking his arms around her thighs, he split her even wider and thrust his tongue deep into the mouth of her pussy.

Once he was inside, he let his tongue lengthen and swell—though he did not allow it to sharpen. Still, he let Penny feel her inner walls stretch to take him as he lapped her honey more fully, tasting it straight from the source.

Looking up, he saw that her eyes were wide with surprise, even as her hips twitched in response to his intimate kisses.

“Oh, V’rex,” she whispered, her hips bucking again, to send his tongue a little deeper into her pussy. “I…I don’t know what you’re doing but it feels amazing.”

It’s gonna feel even better in a minute, sweetheart, V thought. Knowing that her clit was healed, he began to circle it lightly with one fingertip as he continued to thrust into her with his tongue. It wasn’t as big as his cock was—not nearly, especially considering his mating fist—but it was thick enough to satisfy her and cause her sweet honey to flow for him as he lapped it up.

Penelope had begun to moan and squeeze her thighs around his head. She was also bucking her hips regularly, in time with his tongue-thrusts inside her. After a moment, V felt her small, soft fingers slip into his hair and tug, as though she was trying to get him closer…deeper.

Her pleasure ignited his own as nothing else could have and V felt his cock throbbing between his legs, begging for a release. Of course, he couldn’t touch himself with the non-con bracelets on, but he sensed he wouldn’t have to. Being so close to the woman he wanted so desperately, feeling her thighs against the sides of his face, and spreading and fucking her pussy with his tongue was enough to send him over the edge, even without any kind of direct contact.

“V’rex!” she was moaning, bucking more strongly against his mouth now. “Oh V’rex, I don’t know what you’re doing but it feels…feels so good!”

Gods, he loved the sound of his name on her lips! V redoubled his efforts, circling her swollen clit steadily with one fingertip as he let his tongue swell even thicker inside her.

He just wished he had the kind of power in his tongue as he had in his cock. He wanted to do more than just fill Penelope’s sweet little pussy—he wanted to fuck her. Wanted to thrust deep inside her until he was all the way in—mating fist included—as she cried and moaned and gave herself to him completely, her body opening to receive his as he bonded her to him for the rest of their lives…

The thought of that—of bonding her—came to V just as Penelope’s orgasm finally hit her. She cried out, her thighs clenching hard around the sides of his head and her back arching strongly as the deep pleasure washed over her.


