Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“Bonded?” She frowned. “I know a little bit about Kindred mating habits, but I haven’t been working with them for long. Does it have to do with your, uh, mating fist?” She gestured at his crotch, her cheeks getting even redder.

“My mating fist and my stinger,” V told her and saw her blanch.

“What…what does it have to do with that?” she asked in a faint voice. It was clear she definitely still feared his stinger. Well, he had promised not to use it on her until she asked him to, he reminded himself. It seemed that time was still far in the future.

“In order to bond you to me—and get you pregnant—I’d have to have my mating fist all the way inside your pussy, filling you with my seed at the exact moment I was stinging you and injecting my lust-honey,” V explained. “So you see, just putting the head of my shaft inside your pussy and coming inside you can’t give you a big belly.”

“It still seems like an awful risk. What about all the crazy hormones in my system from the Mother’s Milk?” Penelope asked. “I think they’re supposed to make me extra fertile or something.”

V frowned, considering.

“You got me there,” he admitted at last. “I honestly don’t know if that changes things or makes you more likely to get pregnant or not.” He shrugged. “But since we don’t know, I guess that leaves us with option number two.”

“Option number two?” Penelope got a little crease between her eyebrows. “What’s that?”

“I’ll have to heal you,” V told her.

“Heal me?” Her eyebrows shot up. “You mean like you healed my burn scar?” She pointed down to his initial on her left breast, which was still full of nectar, V saw with a frown. He needed to tend to her. “Heal me with your mouth?”

“Sure.” He shrugged. “Why—is that a problem?”

“Well, I mean…” She looked vastly uncomfortable and once again V felt conflicting emotions coming from her. Shame and embarrassment mixed with an incredibly strong desire.

He remembered suddenly, how he had felt that same surge of desire from her when he’d talked about going down on her before. Penelope wanted to feel his tongue in her pussy—wanted to feel him lapping her tender little cunt—but for some reason she was also incredibly reluctant to let him do exactly that.

She craved something she thought she didn’t deserve or shouldn’t have.

“What is it, baby?” V looked at her intently. “What’s wrong? Why are you ashamed to let me lick your soft little pussy?”

“V’rex!” She looked away from his eyes, her chest rising and falling as her breath quickened.

“Well?” He waited patiently, wanting to understand her.

“I…I just…” She shook her head.

“I can tell you want it,” he murmured. Leaning down, he laid a gentle kiss on her inner thigh, making Penelope jump. “But you’re ashamed to want it. Why?”

“My…” She cleared her throat. “My thighs. They’re not exactly thin, you know?”

“Gods, I know it.” V dropped another kiss on her inner thigh. “So fucking thick and gorgeous,” he growled. “What male wouldn’t want to dive between such luscious thighs?”

Penelope gave him a surprised look, as though she didn’t quite believe what he said. But at least she answered him.

“My ex wouldn’t, for one.”

“He must have been an idiot,” V said, frowning. “Why not?”

“Well…” The shame was coming from her again. “He told me he didn’t like it because he didn’t like the, you know, the taste of me…of my, uh, juices. He said I tasted bad.” She looked down at her hands. “And I guess I’ve been self-conscious ever since.”

“He didn’t like your taste?” V looked at her incredulously. “But baby, you taste fucking amazing.”

Penelope frowned at him.

“How would you know that? You haven’t…haven’t tasted me.”

No, but he sure as hell wanted to! Like all Kindred, V loved to go down on a female and had the biological need to taste the one female he’d chosen to Claim. But he sensed he would have to convince Penelope of this before she would let him in.

“I know I haven’t tasted you—yet,” he growled softly. “But I can tell by your scent how good you’ll taste, sweetheart.” Leaning forward again, he rubbed his cheek against the top of her mound, inhaling the sweet, devastatingly feminine aroma of her soft little sex. “Gods, so fucking hot,” he groaned, feeling his shaft twitch and harden between his thighs.

“You’re just saying that,” Penelope murmured, but he could tell she wanted to be convinced.

“I don’t lie,” V told her, frowning. “Especially when there’s no need to. “You don’t just smell good, Penelope—you smell like a female in heat. A female who needs to get fucked. And there’s no sweeter scent to any male than that,” he told her.

Penelope’s face had gone pink with embarrassment again, but he could also feel her hoping he was telling the truth. She wanted to believe him—she just wasn’t quite there yet.


