Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“Looks like we’re too late for that,” V’rex said grimly. “Come on.”

And he took her hand and dragged her through the gate and down the road away from the Compound.


V was wondering what kind of weapons the little bastards had when a bolt of red energy shot over his shoulder and let him know. Blasters, and they appeared to be set to kill. If only there had been some twists or turns, they might have dodged the blasts. But the road through the Deadly Jungle stretched straight ahead of them with no curves in sight.

Blasts of red light were shooting all around them and Penelope gasped as one of them grazed her shoulder. It was only a matter of time before the NeverBreeders scored a direct hit—they couldn’t stay on the road.

Though V would have preferred to sting Penny ahead of time and give her some immunity to the poisons of the jungle plants, there was no time now. He pulled her towards the side of the road and then they crashed through the thick underbrush and into the Deadly Jungle.

A few blasts of light followed them and then V heard what he’d hoped to avoid—crashing behind them that meant the NeverBreeders had followed them into the forest. Either they were immune to the poisons of the plants or they were so dedicated to keeping their “Glorious Leader” happy, they were willing to die for him. Either way, it was bad news.

“Son of a fucking bitch!” he growled. “They’re coming in too—we have to go faster.”

But when he looked over at Penelope, he saw something that made his heart fist in his chest. Her creamy skin had gone deathly pale except for two hectic red spots, high on her cheeks and she seemed to be struggling to breathe.

Oh Gods, did the poisons work that fast? Or was she just out of breath from fighting her way through the thick underbrush? Whatever the case, he had to get her out of the immediate danger of the NeverBreeders and their blasters so that he could sting her and treat the poison.

Quickly, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He would rather have carried her in his arms to minimize the risk that she would be hit, but he needed at least one hand free to push his way through the dense green and turquoise jungle growth.

He made his way through as fast as he could, but it was slow going with only one arm. Just behind them, he could hear the little orange bastards gaining ground.

Oh please! he thought, his heart pounding against his ribs. Please, I have to get her to safety! Don’t let her die—please!

“Turn here, Warrior,” said a rich, feminine voice, which seemed to be both in his head and all around him at the same time.

V didn’t question where it came from. He simply followed directions and turned where the presence that went with the voice seemed to lead him.

The ground dipped down sharply and for a moment he almost fell. But then he got his footing again and saw that he was in a kind of natural depression—a wide hollow in the ground. At the far end of the vast bowl was a huge tree. Growing at the base of it were the long, multicolored grasses he recognized as the same ones that had been used to make their Unification Ceremony costumes.

Billux grass, he thought. They use them because they’re not poisonous!

“Go to the base of the tree, Warrior,” the feminine voice told him. “There you will find refuge. Hurry!”

V did as she—the Goddess?—said and plunged deeper into the small valley. He struggled towards the tree, hearing the crashing behind him that meant the NeverBreeder guards were getting closer. What was he supposed to find at the base of the tree? How could it help him?

He didn’t know but he kept going until at last he reached it. Crouching down, he swept at the long, multicolored grasses growing there, thinking maybe someone had left a weapon for him.

Instead, he found a natural hollow in the vast tree’s trunk—one so large it made a kind of cave. So it wasn’t a weapon he was supposed to find but a hiding place!

Quickly, V ducked down and into the tiny natural cave, making certain not to bang Penelope’s head as he went. He pushed towards the back, finding the space under the tree was carpeted with soft, springy moss. Laying Penelope down carefully, he kept an eye on the dense screen of multicolored grass that blocked the entrance.

If the guards had seen them enter, they would be here soon, blasters blazing. If that happened, V intended to kill them both—or die trying. Though if he died here, he was certain Penelope would too. She needed someone to heal and protect her this deep in the jungle. His heart swelled with protective Rage at the idea of losing her, but he kept the emotion at bay and waited, trying to still his own breathing so as not to give them away.


