Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

I should have known I didn’t have to worry about Carter. He turned to Cam and said, “Something more serious than your intentions with Jude.”

“Well played, Carter, well played,” Cam replied.

Cam and Carter chatted quite a bit, and I sat back and let them. We’d all known Carter for a while by now, but Camden hadn’t really had the chance to get to know him well, and I wanted that. They were both important to me, and I needed them to get along.

When we arrived, we grabbed our things and put our backpacks on.

“So…there are showers, right?” Carter asked.

“Fuck yes,” I replied. We didn’t do that truly roughing-it shit.

“They’re a bit of a hike from our spot, but yeah, we have them,” Cam added. “Short Stuff would kick our asses if we didn’t.”

Speaking of, Rush’s truck pulled in, and he parked beside Cam. It was nice that Supercross season was over, which he’d taken the championship in, so Rush could join us now. This would be the second summer in a row he wasn’t racing the outdoor motocross series, but with Beau and Ash’s wedding coming in the fall, he’d decided to sit it out. I thought Linc was probably more the reason than the wedding. It wasn’t easy being in a relationship with someone who had to travel so much for their job. Maybe I could talk to Linc about how he dealt with it.

“What the fuck?” Cam said, and I looked up to see what he was talking about. Jude had gotten out of the truck, and his usually brownish-blond hair was darker, a shade or so lighter than a chocolate brown, and holy fuck, when you coupled it with those plump lips and bright-blue eyes of his, I knew Cam was in even more trouble.

“Going back to my natural color,” he said. I hadn’t even realized Jude dyed his hair. He was beautiful before, but this…fuck, this made him drop-dead gorgeous.

“I support this decision,” Cam said. “Jesus Christ, you’re gonna kill me, beautiful.”

Jude rolled his eyes, a soft blush on his cheeks. I never saw the man blush except when Cam was flirting with him.

“Are you ever going to stop flirting with my friend?” Rush asked.

“He’s my friend too,” Cam replied, which surprised me. “Also, if Jude wants me to stop flirting with him, all he has to do is ask. I’ve told him that before. He says the word, and my lips are sealed. He hasn’t, so I take that to mean he doesn’t mind.”

“How about the two of you stop talking about me like I’m not here?” Jude said.

“I wasn’t trying to be an asshole,” Rush said. Well, hell. That had caused some tension I hadn’t expected. But then Rush wrapped an arm around Cam’s shoulders and another around Jude’s, and I figured everything was all good again.

“What was that?” Carter asked, soft enough for only me to hear.

“I’m not sure. Cam sounded pretty territorial when he said Jude was his friend too. They’ve been hanging out, and I know they’re buddies. Obviously, Cam wants to fuck him, but Jude still identifies as straight.”

“But he also doesn’t tell Camden to stop flirting with him,” Carter added.


“I’m glad we’re boyfriends and don’t have to worry about stuff like that.” He said it lightly, playfully, but yeah, it still landed in my chest. God, I’d always hated that word—boyfriends—but I really fucking loved being Carter’s man.

“I’m glad too, boyfriend.” I leaned in and kissed him.

“I knew it! I told you, Rush! I fucking knew it!” Linc called out. “Holy shit. That’s a hot kiss,” he added, and I pulled away, laughing.

“Good for you, Sawyer,” Rush said.

“I took him out for ice cream, which of course made him mine,” I said playfully.

“Oh, fuck you, Baby Burke.” Linc teasingly flipped me off.

“Stop stealing my name for my brother, Short Stuff.” Cam ruffled Linc’s hair, and Linc jerked away.

“Ugh. I hate you. I was having a good hair day too.”

“Are we going camping or what?” Jude asked as another car pulled in. Owen and Keegan got out.

“Hey, guys! We thought we were running late,” Keeg, Jace’s little brother, called over to us.

“We are,” Jude replied. “Everyone else is already there.”

We waited until they got their stuff, and then the eight of us made our way toward our campground.

“Well, the cat’s halfway out of the bag,” Carter said as we walked.

“Yeah, everyone will know soon. Did you tell anyone?”

He shook his head.

The fact that he hadn’t told Dax made me wonder. “You’re sure you’re okay with people knowing? It’s different to know we’re fucking around, but now we’re together.” My heart paused as I waited for his answer. I would respect whatever he said, but I had to admit, it would hurt if he wanted to keep us on the down low.


