Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

“You enjoying those?” he said softly, in a flirty voice.

“Yep. Yours taste good. I can’t help myself. I’m always hungry around you.”

“Sawyer Burke, you dirty, dirty boy.”

“It’s your fault. You bring it out in me.”

“Thank you.” He grinned.

Then I grinned.

And I really fucking wanted to kiss him again…to find a wall and pin him against it and kiss him until he forgot his name, then shove him to his knees for me.

Pain shot through my shin. “Ouch. Shit.” I looked up at my brother, who had kicked me.

“You were saying, Ash?” Cam said, and I realized Ash must have been speaking to me, but I was too lost in Carter. Fuck, he had such a strong effect on me.

I could tell Carter was trying to hold in a laugh as Ash said, “When I was talking to the LGBTQ center about working with them on a sports program, they also said something about a reading group. I didn’t know if you’d like to host something like that at Fearless?”

“Yes,” I replied automatically. “I’d love to do something like that, actually. I don’t know why I haven’t done it earlier.”

“I can help you if you want,” Carter said. “Oh, I can do a drag queen story time!”

His eyes lit up, and I had a feeling mine did too. It was…perfect. “Yeah, I’d like that.” I’d love working with him on something like that. “We’ll discuss it later.”

The rest of the meal went pretty quickly. Before I knew it, we were paying, and everyone was getting up to leave. Carter and I were both taking our time, hanging out to let everyone leave before us. He went to say goodbye to Jace and Dax, and Cam ruffled my hair like he did with Linc sometimes and said, “Be good.”

“You too,” I told him as Jude waited for him.

“Eh, he’s not pretty enough for me,” Jude teased.

“Oh, beautiful. You know you just issued me a challenge, right?” Cam told him.

Jude’s eyes darted away, but for the first time, I was sure I saw real interest there.

Carter approached me then. “Hi, again.”

“Hey.” I didn’t know what made me to do it, but I reached up and pushed his hair away from his eyes. It was so simple yet intimate, and I wasn’t sure if I should have done it.

“Oh, Sawyer. What am I going to do with you?”

We were alone now, so I said, “Come home with me. We can eat some of our chocolate-chip cookies, and then I can have my second dessert and devour you.”

“Okay.” He nodded, but I could tell by the look in his eyes that something was bothering him.

There were things we probably needed to talk about at some point. Like what we were really doing. When we first started this, we weren’t spending nearly every day together, but now we were, and I wanted that. I just didn’t know if he would. Or what it would mean for me when it ultimately ended.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Yes. Chocolate and sex and cuddles. I don’t usually like cuddling, but you’re good at it.”

That helped put me at ease, and I thought part of him did it for me. Just being around him suddenly made things easier. Carter was turning my whole damn world upside down, and for once, I just wanted to learn how to let go and let myself enjoy the ride.



After Sawyer and I had taken the plunge and embraced what was apparently the hottest sex of my life, it was hard to make ourselves stop. It seemed I was constantly making my way over to his place, or he’d come over to mine, so that we could have a little fun. However, because life never makes anything too easy, despite how much time I’d spent homebound to my place in the Falls, more recently, Elliott needed me for various meetings and events around the country. Of course, I knew why. Dax was preoccupied with his new life in town, but the less time he had to travel, the more it was necessary for me to accompany Elliott in Dax’s place. So over the course of two weeks, between a weekend in Vegas and four days in Belize, I managed to squeeze in what time I could with Sawyer, collecting a few more marks during our fuck-wrestling-matches.

The sound of my ass clapping as Sawyer’s pelvis slammed against it filled the room as he tugged on my hair, pushing my face against the headboard.

“Harder…fuck me harder,” I begged, and Sawyer obeyed, that clapping sound so much louder as the bed squeaked and the headboard clamored against the wall.

Sawyer leaned forward, pushing his body against mine. “You ready for it?” he asked, his breath slamming against the back of my neck.

“Give it to me. Fill me up,” I begged.


