Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

Carter was always sexy as hell, but looking at a naked Carter James was always a thing of fucking beauty. I still couldn’t quite make sense of what he was doing with me, why he would choose me, but I planned to enjoy it while it lasted. “Fuck, you are so sexy.” I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer. Kissed his flat stomach before swirling my tongue around the head of his cock.

He moved to thrust into my mouth, but I pulled back. Carter looked down at me with desire blazing in his eyes. “You’re not playing fair.”

“Game on, remember?” I winked. It had been a while since we’d said that to each other.

I turned him around, and he let me. My hands traveled down his back, his ass, before I leaned in and bit it. It was silly, but I really fucking loved biting him.

“Are you going to hurry up and fuck me, or not?” He looked over his shoulder, grinning.

“When I’m ready.” I stood, making quick work of my clothes until I was naked too.

I tugged us both into the shower, soaped up, and began washing him. He whimpered and tried to thrust into my fist when I lathered his cock, but I wouldn’t let him.

“Oh my God. You really aren’t playing fair.”

“I’m not fucking you right now. I’m taking care of you. Be good.”

“That was kind of hot—you telling me to be good like that.”

I winked. “I aim to please.”

I teased him as I cleaned him. It was especially hard to make myself be good when I got to his ass, but I withstood the need to sink inside him and fuck him until we could both forget about anything else except each other.

When I washed his hair, he tried to kiss me, but I grabbed his hips and held him back.

“Sawyer, you’re killing me.”

“No, I’m not. I’m spoiling you. It’s something you’re going to have to get used to.”

He groaned and crossed his arms as if pouting, but I could see the appreciation in his stare…and maybe the surprise too. I was pretty sure Carter was used to being used—hell, in some ways, maybe he liked that. He’d never wanted anything serious, but I wasn’t there to use him, and I wanted him to know it.

When he was all clean, I pushed his hands away as he tried to do the same for me. I washed up quickly, then turned off the water and got out, grabbing a towel.

I dried him off, and he stopped trying to tease me, to playfully kiss me and get me to get him off, and just…watched me. Watched me like maybe it was the first time he’d really seen me.

Once we were dry, I took his hand and led him back to the room. I swatted his ass. “Get on the bed.”

“Someone is feeling awfully bossy tonight.”

“You like it.” At least I hoped he did.

Carter did as I said, lying down on his back with his head on the pillows. He slowly stroked his cock, and then it was my turn to groan.

“See something you like?” He cocked a brow.

“You know I do.”

Rummaging through my bag, I got the lube and condoms, and set them on the bedside table. I stood beside the bed, looking down at him. He was still stroking himself. My balls were full and fucking aching, yet I couldn’t help but watch him. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” I reached over and cupped his cheek. He sucked in a sharp breath. “Now I’m going to ravage you.”

Damned if I didn’t see a shudder race down the length of him.

“What do you want?” I asked, lazily stroking my dick.

“First? I want to taste you.”

“Come over here and suck, then.”

Carter got on his knees, still on the bed. His ass was in the air as he took my cock to the back of his throat.

“Christ, this mouth. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of it.” He was so addictive that even though my brain told me this likely would never work, I couldn’t stop myself from wishing it would.

I spit on my finger and leaned forward as Carter blew me. I rubbed his tight hole, felt it clench beneath the pad of my finger as my knees went weak from the skilled suction of his mouth. “Yeah, baby. Like that. Just like that,” I told him as I made short thrusts into his mouth. I pushed the tip of my finger into his hole as he pulled off, then sucked and nuzzled my sac.

My balls already wanted to unload, so I pulled back, growling and lifting him up and kissing him. I nipped at his lip, slipped my tongue into his mouth, tugged at his hair. I loved that I could be rough with him, that he unlocked the piece inside me that wanted to be rough with him, while loving him right too.


