Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

“Silly Sawyer.”

We shared another kiss, easing into it. My hand cupped his face as we drew one another even closer.

Again, like when he was holding me from behind, I was surprised. This wasn’t the fuck-frenzy kiss I was used to with Sawyer. It was something…else. Something I wouldn’t have done with most guys.

But with him, I wanted more, and he pulled his lips away too fast before saying, “Okay, I guess we should go ahead and make plans for the rest of the day. We could go out for lunch in a bit. Then I can swing by the store to see how things are going.”

Tension rose within me.

“Maybe a nice jog through the park, and then we can call the guys and meet up for a drive-in movie or—”

“Oh, wow. We’re having a busy day.”

His serious expression shifted into a smirk. “I’m fucking with you, Carter. I don’t have any plans to leave this bed today.”

I burst into a laugh. “Holy shit. You got me there. I was thinking I needed a good bed day. I was already worn out from traveling so much, and then you wore me out the rest of the way.”

“You seem to be doing well despite all the wearing out.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I like to keep busy, but the jet lag is getting to me. I haven’t had time to enjoy some other hobbies I’ve found recently.”

“I get you. I’ve been swamped at Fearless, but I definitely like the idea of spending a day relaxing, maybe binge-eating some pizza or pasta.”

“Both sound like great options to me, but there’s an even more pressing question we have to answer.” He eyed me curiously, and I went on, “What are we going to watch on TV in the meantime?”

“I think I’ll leave the selection to you. You’re the picky one, or so I’ve learned.”

It was funny how, even though I didn’t feel like we’d spent an extraordinary amount of time together, we were both picking up on so many nuances about one another.

“Aw, my poor reader gets so confused when it comes to TV,” I said. “And to think, if you watched it as much as a normal person, you’d have one in your room and we wouldn’t have to go all the way to the living room to watch Stranger Things.”

“That the one you showed me with the kids in the eighties and Winona Ryder?”

“Yes, that’s the one!”

“Ah, yeah. That was cute.”

“Cute? I guess we only got a few episodes in, but it’s a little more than cute. What epics are you reading at the moment?”

I sneaked a peek over him to his nightstand, noticing the stacked hardbacks and paperbacks beside his Kindle. Some of the books had yellow tags, which he’d explained were the ones he had on loan from the store.

“Oh, just a few things I picked up.”

“And which one are you reading?”

“One?” His brows shifted together.

I rolled my eyes. “Of fucking course.”

“Hey, it’s not a shameful thing to be an avid reader, and I happen to like being able to recommend titles to customers with a wide range of reading tastes.”

“A.k.a. you read shit you don’t even enjoy.”

“I wouldn’t say I don’t enjoy them. I like reading a pretty broad range of books, seeing what’s out there. And it definitely makes for easy conversations with customers.”

“Well, your job makes my flights better since that Jackie Collins novel you recommended was amazing.”

He grinned. “For some reason, I had a feeling The World is Full of Married Men would be right up your alley.”

“When I started reading it, I was surprised it was the kind of book you’d recommend. I figured you only read stuffy, elitist literature.”

“Hey, there’s some good stuffy, elitist literature out there.” He winked. “But every so often, I’m in the mood for a Story of O or The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty.”

“The what and the what?”

He laughed. “I’ll get you there eventually. Baby steps, Carter.”

“Well, keep them coming, because it seems like Elliott has me traveling enough that I’ll need the recommendations.”

I could have punched myself for how I’d blurted that out. It was more a complaint than anything, but I could read the discomfort on Sawyer’s face. For a guy who wanted my ass all to himself, my job sure wasn’t making that easy.

“I just meant—”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you self-conscious about it,” Sawyer interrupted. “Like I said, I just get to blue-balling a little more than usual when you’re away. It’s not a big deal.”

I didn’t feel like that was entirely true.

“Well, I don’t want you to feel like I’m depriving you of anything. In the past I’ve been with guys who wanted…agreements so that we could do stuff apart.”

“That wasn’t what I was suggesting,” he said. “Is that what you want?”

“No, not at all! I was about to say that I didn’t figure you’d ever want to do something like that, and I’m feeling greedy as fuck for you. I’m liable to smack any twinky piece of ass that tries to turn their sex-eyes on you. I only mentioned it because this stuff can get complicated, and I don’t want to be the guy who’s holding you back from things you enjoy.”


