Game On Read online Riley Hart, Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #5)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 92704 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 464(@200wpm)___ 371(@250wpm)___ 309(@300wpm)

“What? Of course I don’t mind. My boyfriend is hot,” he said with a grin, making my heart start beating again.

“Not as hot as mine.”

“Yeah, but mine is a sex beast I had the pleasure of unleashing.”

“Fuck, I sound really hot when you say it like that.”

Carter laughed. I felt his fingers brush against mine as if he was unsure, but then he grabbed my hand and held on. “I have to keep an eye on you. We wouldn’t want you bumping your head again. This way I can tug you out of the way in time.”

“Obviously,” I replied.

“You guys are so cute, I just might cry,” Camden teased.

“Be nice,” Jude told him, nudging Cam’s arm with his own.

“I’m always nice.” Cam winked.

Jude laughed. “You’re ridiculous.” He picked up the pace ahead of us.

“Are you sure your brother isn’t fucking him?” Carter whispered.

“No, not yet, but I have a feeling he will be soon,” I replied just as Lincoln approached.

“That’s because no one is straight in Fever Falls.”

I was beginning to think Linc was right.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at our campsite. When we approached, Ash and Beau were working on one tent, Jace and Dax on another. Four sets of eyes zeroed in right on Carter and me. I tightened my grip on his hand. It was like we were walking into a damn firing squad or something.

“Holy shit,” Jace said.

“About time,” Ash added.

“I wasn’t going to let you guys have all the fun. Now I have a sexy-as-fuck boyfriend too,” Carter said, just as Dax looked at him and smiled.

Me? I was fucking proud to be the one he was talking about, to know Carter was mine…at least for now.



We set up our tent next to Ash and Beau’s, since that seemed the least peculiar spot for us to be. I figured Sawyer wasn’t interested in Cam waking up in the middle of the night to the sound of me moaning while his brother was fucking the hell out of me. And I had every intention of that happening because I really didn’t have a reason to go camping without the assurance of some hot-as-hell outdoor sex.

Everyone appeared to be adjusting to our new relationship. Dax was as surprised as the rest, and for very good reason. Sure, I’d told him what Sawyer and I were up to—at some point it became impossible to avoid—but he’d seen me running around with guys all the time. However, judging by the expression in his eyes when he saw us arrive, holding hands, he knew this was different. Carter James didn’t hold hands.

Of course, Carter James was doing a lot of things these days he hadn’t done in the past, because Carter James didn’t have boyfriends either.

It was clear how comfortable I’d become with the gang as we grabbed kayaks and paddled out onto the lake. Rush guided the team around before we returned to the campsite and fired up the grill. While everyone pitched in to making dinner in their own way, Dax and I volunteered to stop by a nearby storage facility to pick up some kindling and firewood Jace had purchased for the campsite.

I learned very quickly why Dax was so eager to accompany me on my drive when, after some usual chatter, he said, “I figured someone was responsible for why you keep whistling in the office these days, but Sawyer Burke, huh? And not just that. Hand-holding and high-school-worthy make-out sessions? Am I talking to Carter James or a pod person?”

“Does Dax Kruse get to judge me for my make-out sessions?” I said jokingly, giving him Jace’s last name.

He laughed. “Hey, it’s Munro until I get a ring on this finger. Anyway…it’s weird adjusting to you being serious about a guy.”

“It’s new for me too. New is good, though.”

“Yes, it is,” Dax said. “I’m really glad you’re having a good time with Sawyer. I have to admit, the more time you were spending in Fever Falls, the more I worried I was keeping you somewhere you didn’t really want to be.”

“What? No. Not at all. It’s a fun town to pick on from time to time. I can admit that much. It’s not the sort of place I ever imagined myself being, but it has a way of growing on a man.”

“Doesn’t it, though?”

The dreamy look in Dax’s eyes assured me he’d had a similar experience from being with Jace. And really, I got it. The more time I spent with Sawyer, the more convinced I became that I could have a good time with him just about anywhere in the world.

As I pulled into the parking spot before an old log shed with piles of wood collected alongside it, I said, “What’s that they say? About what you want versus what you need. I’m starting to realize I needed Fever Falls. Being here has given me some perspective about my life—who I am and what I want. You get stuck in one place too long, and you lose perspective. You start thinking that’s the totality of who you are, and this town has reminded me that there’s more to me and the world than making a living and fucking around.”


