Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

“So you will come?” He posed the question to all of us.

“Well Cord, you’re calling this one, what do you think?” Lo asked and I looked around at the others.

I nodded at my brothers but I could see that they were already on board. “I’m guessing this place of yours is top secret and there’s no point in us asking where?”

“You’ll know soon enough. Let’s make the calls.” If last night hadn’t happened I would’ve given this some time, but I was sure that if I was wrong in trusting him, that my brothers wouldn’t back my play if they didn’t agree. I was also very sure that I could protect my family if it came to that.

I would threaten him, but I was sure it wouldn’t make a difference; he’s like us. I’m banking on that. Ty on the other hand isn’t too shy about making his feelings known. “You fuck us over Mancini I will take you out with my last breath.”

“You can try, but it wouldn’t come to that. I pride myself on my honor and integrity. I live by a code, same as you do, and I take that shit very seriously.”

Each man took his measure but it was Connor’s nod that sealed the deal. “Okay, then let’s get this shit started.” Con started for the door. He’d be thinking about his woman and unborn kid and how to make the move as effortless for them as possible. From the sounds of it, this was going to be more than a weekend trip. Shit!

“Wait, if they went after Lyon already what’s to stop them from coming at him again? And what about Law and Creed? We kinda got them involved with this we can’t just run off and leave them to face the fire.” I couldn’t get behind that shit. Everyone was set to come here in the next few weeks or so, but a lot had changed since we made those plans and they were gonna have to pack their whole families up for an extended vacation.

“I’m way ahead of you.” Mancini smiled.

“I’d like to be there when you tell Lyon he has to uproot his family and go into hiding.”

“I’ve got that covered too.” He held up a finger and got busy on his phone again.

“Hey uncle Mal how’s it going?” He was a split personality or some shit the way he went from spy or whatever the fuck he was to somebody’s nephew. “I need a solid. I need you to put a bug in your boy Lyon’s ear.”

“What about?” He gave whoever was on the other end a condensed version of what was going on and pressed him to get Lyon on board. “He’ll come. How’s my baby sister?”

“You mean the tyrant? She’s fine why don’t you go see her, she’d love it.”

“Your pain in the ass old man already called and ordered me to New York. No respect.”

“He probably needs someone to run herd on her for a few days, give himself a break.” Ty was about ready to blow his shit at Mancini’s little family hour, but funnily enough I was more relaxed now that we were making strides.

“I’ll wait to hear from you. I’m not looking forward to heading out that way to drag his ass in.”

“I’d pay good money to see that. Is my son in any danger over this shit?”

“I don’t think so, his involvement was minimal at best.”

“All the same I’ll bring him and my daughter in law and grandbabies to the estate until you do what you got to. Don’t let him get any more involved than he is. Those fucks don’t wanna see that whorehouse in D.C. blown to shit. Corrupt fucks”

“Okay uncle, take it easy. Lyon’s on his way home should be there in a couple hours. I’ll talk to you then.”

“Okay boy you be good.” They rang off.

“Uncle Mal, is that…” Con asked the question we were all thinking.

“Yep.” I never thought I’d see the day we got in bed with the mob; the man’s on the most wanted list. Then again the fucks we’ve been working for are indeed corrupt as he said.

“You wanna make those calls to Masters and Summers?” It was a pain getting both men pinned down together but we finally caught up half an hour later.

“Who’s in the room?” That sounded like Masters. Since we met at Law’s we’d talked to him and Summers a few times to keep track on the job they were doing. Summers was a top-cop and had access to certain things we didn’t and Masters because of his involvement in saving kids had others.

“We’re clear, what you got?”


“Yeah it’s me. We’re all here.” I didn’t mention Mancini there was no point. Plus his secretive ass just gave off that vibe. That he’d prefer to remain nameless.

“What we got here boys is a shit storm. It’s the book, we finally went through and linked all the girls in there with their backgrounds and each of them are connected to someone who either worked with or was close to your commander.”

“And you’re sure about this?” Lo moved away from the wall he’d been holding up. How could that be? Before us the commander had headed a few teams yes, but there was a good hundred girls in that book and there was no way a handful of men fathered all of them. Unless the commander had been involved in something else we didn’t know about, which could go back forty fucking years or more.

“Summers here, yes we’re sure. I ran it over twice. Some of them were hard to find, but we got them all. I think you should know some of them are already gone. We found maybe ten missing persons reports. The others are either too young for their snatch and grab deal, or they have another reason for not taking them yet.”

“Have either of you made contact?”

“I went as far as giving them a heads up but I didn’t go into detail, and Masters is working on some kind of protection deal, but there’s about fifty of them that needs it. The others say they will take care of their own. If you don’t want to tip the fuckers off that you’re onto them, I suggest you find some way to insulate these people.”


