Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Lo looked around the room at the rest of us with a questioning look.

“Can we save this until we’re face to face? I’d rather not go into that shit over the phone no matter how secure it is. And Lyon swears there’s eyes on us, we need to book it.”

“Law haul ass I need to get home to my nosy ass wife.” That was Lyon in the background, and if what Law had just hinted at was true, there was no stress in his voice to give away the fact that he’d just offed two people; most likely the Porters.

Law’s long drawn out sigh told the tale. “Get a move on brother he’s in one of his moods and I’m not the man to keep his ass in check.” Law grumbled some shit that was unintelligible but we got the gist.

“What mood is that?” It was my turn to ask.

“The kill zone, fucking guy.” He rang off and the room was silent except for Mancini who was already on his phone talking in code. We waited until he was done while the news we’d just learned settled in our minds.

“What was that?” I asked Mancini as soon as he hung up. He put the phone away before looking at me. “I had men on Lyon. He called me, said they’d contacted his daughter on line. I’m sure you all know I ran you just as you ran me. I figured it wasn’t long before he popped so I thought it wise to have him watched.

Yesterday, three men showed up at his door under the guise of government workers. The men he has on his house sent them packing, but Lyon followed and let’s just say the Porters weren’t the first casualties. My crew wasn’t in time to stop him. By the time they caught up, his crew was doing clean up and these boys are so good even with our training we couldn’t stand up in a court of law and swear to shit. There was nothing left to find.”

“What the fuck is this guy doing?”

“The same thing you’re thinking of doing, only he got a head start. As to the Porters and the other three, our friend pulled a Hitchcock. They were dissolved in a mixture of acid and Lye. Fucker didn’t even leave the bones. I figured unlike you, he wouldn’t be thinking about the consequences, so I just made some arrangements. As far as anyone knows the Porters have taken a trip. That should buy you a couple weeks. The senator will buy that, his brother and sister in law are known for taking off when the mood strikes.”

“How the fuck do you know that?” The fucker gave me that smirk of his.

“I told you. I know everything. Now, did you call Masters and Summers?”

“Not yet, we were waiting on that.”

“Good, because we have to move.”

“What are you talking about?”

“If we’re gonna move against these people we have to move, you can’t stay here.”

“This place is secure, trust me, they’re not getting in here.”

“You would think so, but there’s always a way. Besides, they taught you everything you know didn’t they?” From his sneer I’m willing to bet he wasn’t part of any government organization, so that answers that.

“So, what do you suggest?”

“Lo you’re not actually considering this shit are you? We made sure this place was locked, there’s no one getting in here.”

“I hear you Dev, but that was all good and well when it was just us, but now we have five women, four of them pregnant and the baby. I’m not willing to take the chance. What did you have in mind Mancini?”

“I have a place picked out already.” There was a shift in the room. We’d always only trusted each other and the old man. What he was asking us to do went against everything we believed in.

Whatever he was, whoever he was, he was good because he read us without a word being said. “It’s too late to start second guessing whether or not you can trust me boys. Start getting your women together and let’s get the fuck outta here. Think about this, they already know where you are, and believe me, unless you want to find yourself in a Waco situation, you’ll leave now. Unless of course you’re not going through with your plan.”

That shit was a lot to take in. I don’t think any of us had ever thought of this. Lyon and the others were supposed to be coming here since our place was more secure and the shit started here. Law hadn’t had time to get his shit together since he’d been busy hunting down the fuck that had killed his family, and Lyon though he had good security lived in a residential area with too many people around. Anything jumped off there were too many variables to think about.

Since I was the one running this particular show, my brothers were all looking at me, but they know I would never make that play lightly. I studied the man as I went through all that we had learned thus far about him.

Lyon had been the one to bring him in, though he’d gotten his name from a fucking mobster. For all that, there’s something about Colton Lyon that demands loyalty and respect, the guy’s as true as anyone I’ve ever met outside of my brothers.

“Be true, never betray your brother because he will never betray you.” My words were meant for Mancini since my brothers and I already lived by that creed.

“The way of the warrior, Marcus Aurelius.” I knew he was a smart fuck for all that he’s a well-dressed thug. “Okay, brothers we are. Now let’s get a move on before Lyon goes on a rampage and fuck everything up before we get started.”

“If we do this we can’t leave today, we have a few things to take care of first. We’re gonna need a couple days at the least.” I don’t know why but I trusted him. Besides, if he made the wrong move I’d end him before he blinked.


