Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

“Babe, you’re asking for trouble; release my cock.”

“Uh-uh.” She slid down my cock with the head still lodged in her tight pussy and then pushed back sucking me in. She hummed some shit and just laid there with her face plastered against the bed.

I did as she asked and held still while she had her fun, fucking herself to two more orgasms. My cock wasn’t going down anytime soon, but I was afraid to move lest I hurt her. “Fine.”

I pulled my hands from beneath hers and smacked her other ass cheek red while flexing my cock inside her. Her pussy was red and swollen and I knew she was gonna be in a world of hurt as soon as I climbed out her gash.

I satisfied myself with shaking my cock from side to side and slapping her clit with the tips of my fingers until she spewed more gibberish at me and flopped down on the bed still pinned by my cock.

“Cord we’re stuck.”

“I know baby. Work your pussy muscles and get me off.” She didn’t know what I was talking about so I told her. “Squeeze down as hard as you can, now release, again.”

I grabbed her tits now that she wasn’t too sensitive to my touch and squeezed. Her pussy went into overdrive and I pulled her back into my chest and turned her mouth to mine. As soon as her tongue touched mine I went off like a fire hose in her cunt.

I had the good sense to pull out of her as soon as my cock had gone down enough and her womb gave up its hostage. I watched as the mouth of her pussy stayed open. “Don’t move yet Gem.”

I held her there with her ass in the air until her pussy started to close and I saw my seed oozing out of her. Not much though, because most of it was deep inside her, but I knew it wasn’t gonna do anything since it wasn’t time for her egg to drop. Oh yeah, I knew just when that was gonna be, I had plans for that day.

She laughed like a loon and rolled around on the bed holding her pussy in one hand and covering her tits with the other. I just shook my head and climbed off the bed. “Proud of yourself are you?” She went all soft and dreamy as she looked up at me and the love in me for her ran hot.

“I’m gonna hold you now, no more of your tricks.” She was drunk with her own power as she howled with laughter and I dropped down on the bed beside her, dragging her into my arms.

I spent the better part of a half an hour petting her and taking care of her abused pussy before I really had to go. After another quick shower, I redressed us both and put her ass back to bed. Maybe she’ll be able to walk by nightfall.

After one last dick-raising kiss, I made sure she had everything she could possibly need before leaving the house. My dick was sore as fuck, but the smile on my face said it all.

The yard was clear so I guessed the others were already at the commander’s so that’s where I headed. They were all there with one extra. “Mancini.”

My brothers were watching me; I knew the look. Even with the shit that was going on I know they were cautiously worried about what was going on between the two of us, what I was up to with her. That little question and answer thing the day before had only scratched the surface.

It was enough that they knew she was mine, all the way mine. That was enough to ease their fears, well most of them anyway. They also knew me well enough to know that because she was completely mine, I would exact more from her than from any other that came before her. In short, they knew that little Susie was now the sole property of whom they so fondly call ‘the beast’.

I reassured them with a look and saw them ease and all but shook my head. I don’t remember getting into their shit when they took their women, but of course she wasn’t just any woman, she was the commander’s daughter. And after last night, they would all be ready for war.

“Cord, how’s your girl?”

“She’ll do, when did you get here?”

“A few hours ago. You boys were tired so I made myself useful.” I should be pissed that they started without me, but I was still feeling the glow. I’m like a fucking woman, if I’m not careful she’d lead me around on that leash the way my sisters do my brothers.

Plus Mancini didn’t seem the type to give much of a fuck anyway so why bother? This wasn’t the time for posturing even if I was bent that way, and I’m not.

“Oh yeah, what did you find?” Before he could answer the phone rang. “Yeah?” Lo answered as the rest of us waited. Lately every time that thing went off there was nothing good on the other end. “Hey Law hold on let me put you on speaker.”

“We’ve got a problem boys. Lyon escaped his damn cage. I tried to stop him but no dice. They went after his family.” Law sounded at the end of his rope.

“Where is he?”

“WE are heading out of Arizona.”

“Shit, what’s the status over there?”

“Two down one to go, and if somebody doesn’t come up with something soon this crazy fuck is headed to D.C.”

“Tell him to stand the fuck down, we’re getting our shit together. He moves too soon and we’re FUBAR.”

“Ah, Logan, I don’t know how much you know about him, but that’s not gonna fly. I’m taking him back home now but I suggest you boys get on the ball. I can’t babysit this fuck.”

“Fuck! What did you do with the packages? How long before someone sounds the alarm?”

“I don’t know about the alarm, but there ain’t nothing left of the packages to find.”


