Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

“Behave Little Gem, you’d be too sore if I give you more of what you want.” To that I got a soft dreamy smile and her head rested against my chest as she sighed. I held her as close to my heart as it was possible for the longest time before going back to what I’d been doing.

By the time I’d finished pampering her, the sun was well up and it was time to change gears. But I wasn’t about to leave her so soon after our first mating. Now that I had conquered her body, it was time to show her the tender side of loving.

“Get dressed baby, wear something soft and take these.” I’d rubbed ointment into her bruised flesh to help with the sting but I didn’t kid myself that she wouldn’t still have pain. The pain killers I’d given her should help, not only with the ache but they would also make her sleep most of the day, which was probably for the best.

“One more thing.” I sat her on the edge of the bed and slipped her feet into some nice warm socks. “Cord I’m not an invalid.” She laughed and swatted at me as I knelt at her feet.

“No, but you’re my baby.” I held her head between my hands and kissed her lips softly. “Come when you’re ready.” I left her there to catch her breath and exited the room.

I was in the kitchen making her breakfast when she finally made it out of our bedroom. I pulled her in and kissed her head before seating her at the table where I placed her breakfast in front of her. I watched her for any signs that she had any lingering fear from the night before.

While I was buried inside her I’d wiped that shit clean from my mind, but now in the light of day I let it all came flooding back. I saw again the marks on her neck that I hadn’t put there and my blood heated for a different reason.

I ran my finger over them gently. “I’ll take care of these after you eat. Do they hurt?” She shook her head and turned her cheek into my palm. “No, my throat’s a little sore but that’s nothing I can’t handle.” And I probably didn’t help by fucking into her neck. Damn.

I got up from my seat and went in search of the honey. I poured some and mixed it with lemon juice. “Drink this. I want you to do this every couple of hours today. Anything else bothering you? From last night, I mean.”

“No Cord, stop worrying.” She gave me one of her cute smiles and that helped calm the rage that was still barely in check. “I’m going to be busy today Gem, but I will be right across the yard. I’ll come check on you throughout, but I want you to stay here. If you need company I’ll tell the girls to come over. Do you want that?”

“Not right now, I think I’ll go back to bed. Somebody kept me up all night and then again this morning and I feel like a train ran over me, but in a good way.” It did my heart good that she could be so playful and relaxed, but I knew she was playing me. She was scared out of her fucking mind.

“What are you guys gonna do? I know we’re not supposed to ask, but you’re not gonna get yourself in trouble are you? What about those men from last night?” I held my hand up for silence. “Since you know then don’t ask. All you need to do is stay your ass where I leave you and leave the rest to me.”

Fuck, I all but forgot she’d seen that shit. Now I had something else to fuck them over for, not like I needed more against them. “You’re going to be sore a lot, use the ointment if I’m not back in time and you start to hurt.”

Her face went up in flames and she bit into her lip. I pulled it out from between her teeth before she got herself in trouble. I’d never told her, because I knew she wasn’t doing it deliberately, but that shit makes me hard as fuck.

Instead, I kissed her lips hard before getting up from the table. “I love you Little Gem.” I love the way her body reacts to my words, the way her eyes shine and her heart races. And when she gave me back the words, ‘I love you too,’ I felt that shit in my soul. I had love, for the first time in my life I understood what the love of a woman meant. I could see why men would destroy nations for that shit.




I was sore as hell, but I already missed that new full feeling. When he moved to turn away I held on letting my tongue play across his lips. He groaned into my mouth and I upped the ante. For the first time I let my hand find his cock.

“Baby…Don’t!” His mouth said no, but his body was singing a different tune. His cock grew in my hand as I rubbed him through his jeans before unzipping him boldly and taking his heat in my hand. Soon I felt the wetness at the tip that told me he was more than interested. I felt a rush of giddy excitement that I could do this to him. I think until right now I had no idea of my affect on him and it was good to know that I wasn’t the only one.

Of course he took over and I found myself pressed hard against him as he pulled me up from my chair. His mouth bruised mine as he nipped and licked at my lips before driving his tongue back inside.

Just in case she had any ideas that it would stop there, I pressed my sore slit against his growing hardness and heard his sharp intake of breath followed by a growl that made my tummy do cartwheels.


