Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

She tried climbing me, with her mouth moving feverishly against mine. Her breathing was becoming erratic and I was afraid she’d hurt herself in her rush to show me that she was my good little girl once more.

“Settle down Little Gem, everything’s going to be alright.” I whispered the words to her as I held her closer, petting her, running my hands freely over her naked flesh. It felt like forever since I’d touched her without anger, and when her legs fell open invitingly, I used my fingers to fuck her until she moaned into my mouth. I played with her tight little pussy, drawing out her juices and licking my fingers clean. Then I lifted her off me and settled her back on the couch with her legs spread.

I fixed her legs so that one laid across the back of the couch while the other rested on the floor, leaving her pink gash spread open for my pleasure. There was no lead up, I just lowered my head and took a second to inhale her scent before driving my tongue into her juicing cunt.

She screamed when I sucked her whole pussy into my mouth, lips, clit, everything. I teased her tight little rosebud with my wet fingertips, heightening her pleasure until she was humping my face wildly. “Cum in my mouth baby.” I tongued her pussy with deep broad strokes while playing with her ass hole and she flooded my mouth and face with her essence. Her hands held tight to my hair as she held me closer to her, grinding her hot cunt into my face until she was spent.

I didn’t give her time to come down, just climbed up her body and fed her my tongue, sharing her taste with her. It was wild and uninhibited that kiss. It was our reconnection. I bit her lip and licked away the blood I’d drawn as I growled into her mouth. Pulling back I looked down into her lust crazed eyes. “Come.”

I took her to the playroom and put the lights on dim. “Wait here.” I headed into the bathroom to get what I needed and to prepare for the night ahead. Once everything was the way I wanted it I went back out to her. She was standing just where I’d left her, waiting.

Taking her hand in mine, I led her to our bed. “Look at me. Tonight, I’m going to push the boundaries a little.” Her eyes widened for the barest of seconds before she tried to hide behind her lashes.

“There’s no need for you to be afraid. I won’t hurt you, there will only be pleasure I promise-your punishment is over.” I pulled her in and kissed her forehead gently to reassure her. Once she was settled, I ran my hands over her slowly, stopping here and there to kiss her hot flesh until she was trembling with need before me.

“Get on the bed baby.” She climbed in as the moon cast a slight glow on her perfect pale skin. “Hold your legs open for me.” I stripped as she did my bidding. “Pull them up higher.” She pulled her legs higher on her chest until her ass was slightly elevated off the mattress.

I picked up the scissors and plugged in the wax machine. Being as careful as I could, I clipped her pussy hair until it was as close to the skin as I could get without cutting her. “You ready? Don’t forget, do not make a sound.”

Tonight was a very important night, though she did not know it as yet. I’d marked off this night and one a month later for the purposes I had in mind, in case I hadn’t taken her yet. But when she’d fucked up so royally I thought for sure we would’ve had to put it off anyway. With her obeisance she’d given me the go ahead to do what I had planned.

“Do not move.” I picked up the wand and blew on the wax until it was just right and holding her pussy lip out of the way, plastered it over the hair that was left. Next I layered the silk strip of cloth over the wax, fixed it in place and stripped it away.

Her legs strained with tension as she fought not to cry out, not to move. I did the same with the other side until she was smooth and bare. “Good girl.” I cleaned her up and kissed her mound before climbing between her legs. Taking her ass in my hands I lifted her pussy to my mouth. I didn’t play around this time, just went straight for the prize. Her pussy is still so tight even my tongue has trouble fitting inside.

I licked into her pussy and squeezed her ass as she fought to hold still. Pulling my tongue from the warmth of her wet cunt, I attacked her clit with the bare tip before driving it back into her.

I ate her pussy until her juices covered my face and her inner thighs. Her pink rosebud winked at me, and my heart raced with the knowledge of what I had in store for her ass tonight. “Very good, I’ll be right back.”

I got down off the bed and headed into the bathroom for the enema bag and the solution I had prepared. “I’m not gonna chain your legs I want you to be my brave girl and take what I do to you.” She nodded her head but I could see the uncertainty in her eyes. Leaning over I took her lips in a fierce kiss until her breathing grew harsh and her mind was no longer on what I was about to do to her.

I greased up the nozzle and eased it into her ass slowly with one hand while teasing her clit with the fingers of the other. As soon as the gallon of water had entered her, I clamped it off and hung it on the ring in the ceiling. Her face showed discomfort so I slipped two fingers in her pussy, kept my thumb on her clit and leaned over to feed her my tongue.


