Cord Read Online Jordan Silver (SEAL Team Seven #5)

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors: Series: SEAL Team Seven Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 97696 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 488(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

She howled with laughter and tried to escape when I turned the tables on her. “No-no-no, I take it back, he’s a monster, the biggest meanest…”

“Too late.” I turned her to her back and rested in the cradle of her thighs. “You’re pretty little Susie.”

The smile softened on her face and her eyes glowed. “You really think so?”

“Yes, I think you’re the most gorgeous thing ever created and I’ll love you forever.” I didn’t even feel like an ass saying that. And when her eyes filled with tears and her arms came around me, squeezing me with all her might, I knew it wouldn’t have mattered if I did.

I didn’t take her again, but holding her close to my heart, whispering words of love to her was just as exciting for me. “I missed this Cord. When you were so mad at me I was so scared. I thought I’d really messed up and you’d leave me for sure.”

I didn’t lie to her, I’d already told her what would cause me to leave her and I wasn’t about to go back on that shit. But I hoped for both our sakes that we’d never go there again. “I will never want to leave you, but I’d rather leave you than hurt you. I told you what it does to me when you put yourself in danger, I never held anything back from you.”

I searched for the right words to give her so she’d understand. “I know you’re a hardheaded ass female and when you get with your posse you’re gonna get into shit, but you better always remember never to cross that line with me again. You do that shit and you can burn the damn house to the ground and I won’t leave you. I’m not telling you this shit for you to make me crazier than you already do, but there isn’t much I won’t let you get away with. Unless it’s something I explicitly forbid you to do, then feel free.”

“Then I guess we’ll be fine, because I’m never getting into trouble again. I snorted at that. I give her ‘til end of day. “Knowing your stubborn ass I’m sure you’ll be over my knee about three days outta the damn week.”

“Nope, I’m going to be your good girl from now on I promise.”

“Susie I’m not marrying a damn statue I know your ass is gonna stay in trouble. Plus I think you like being over my knees and now that I’ve started fucking you I’m pretty sure you’ll be doing more shit to end up there.” Little does she know I’m onto her and will be finding new ways to deal with her ass in the future.

She had this strange look on her face like she’d been frozen in place. “What is it?”

“You said the ‘M’ word.”

“Yeah so?”

“You’re going to marry me?”

“What the fuck?” What did you think I was gonna do with you?” She shrugged her shoulders at me. “Come ‘ere sweetie.” I hugged her little frame to me and kissed her ear.

It broke my heart just a little that for the last few weeks she’d been around her sisters with their talk of wedding plans and she didn’t think she too was gonna be a bride. “I’m sorry you thought for one second that I wasn’t gonna put my ring on your finger. You see this?” I lifted her shirt and tugged on her chain.

“This means as much to me as the ring I’m going to put on your finger soon. I didn’t want to rush the ring, I want it to be perfect but the designer is just waiting for the go ahead on the final draft and your ring will be on your finger before you know it. Besides, you don’t think I’d breed you if I weren’t intending on marrying you do you? What do you take me for?”

“I wasn’t sure that you were the marrying kind, I thought you just wanted to be the other.” I knew what she was talking about by the way her cheeks flamed and she ducked her head just a little.

“I am both. To me, a Dom isn’t much different from a husband. As both it will be my responsibility to cherish, love and protect you. It’s also my responsibility to discipline you, watch over you, and keep your little ass in line when you get out of hand.”

She played with my shirt and bit into her lip, so I knew there was something on her mind. “Does it bother you that our relationship will be so different from the others?”

“No, I don’t think so. I like the way you take care of me, it makes me feel…special.”

“My brothers take care of their women the same way don’t fool yourself, it’s just…you may not have as many freedoms as they do. You’re not allowed to do things without my permission, go places without my say-so. Come to think of it, neither are they.” I grinned at her rolling her eyes. I guess when you think about it, the only difference between me and the guys is my playroom and what goes on there.

“Show me your fat little pussy, all this talk has made me hungry again.” She lowered her sweats and showed me her newly shaved snatch and my mouth literally watered. My cock smelt her and went on the rise.

“Gem, I told you I don’t have time.” she was back to teasing my cock, this time with her toes. Instead of moving them, she smiled up at me and continued. Hmm, I have a brat on my hands.

“Go get ready for me. Wear the pink one this time.” She flew off my lap and headed for the playroom. Resting my head back against the couch, I spread my legs and adjusted my cock. I should’ve been out the door ten minutes ago.

When enough time had passed, I pulled my shirt off over my head and dropped it on the floor before going after her.

She stood in the middle of the room dressed in the pink lacy camisole and boy shorts. There were satin bows between her ample tits and under her belly button. She’d gone one step farther and did her hair up in two fat ponytails, which told me what kind of mood she was in.


