Caressed by Sin – Love, Death, and Magic Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 78259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

“We end this now and kill them together.” I readied myself to fight and bared my fangs.

“Damn it, fairy.”

Silent, Adae’s gaze remained on the sword as if completely infatuated.

Azar gritted his teeth. “I want you safe.”

“And I want. . .you and me. Forever.”

Azar opened his mouth in shock.

“An angel.” Adae scowled. A black sword appeared in his hands. The blade was as black as night. Tiny gray skulls formed the hilt. And even far from it, I could smell the death reeking from the edge.

Adae’s scowl deepened. “An angel gave you the sword back.”

An angel? What is he talking about?

Silent, Azar remained on guard.

“That is what I smell.” Adae’s nostrils flared. “Your sword. . .has come back from the heavens, but. . .how? It. . .is not a living thing. . .only a living thing could return from heaven.”

Azar sneered. “Come closer. Let me whisper the secret in your evil ear.”

Adae’s gold eyes glowed to white. “You threaten me, little pathetic demon?”

“I do.”

Roaring, Adae charged our way with his black sword high in the air.

Azar got back in front of me and stabbed at the air in front of him.

Adae dodged and turned, his robe twisting with him.

Azar sliced the air, coming close to getting Adae’s neck, but not close enough.

Chaos ensued around us.

Those evil sorcerers slung their balls. We scattered and dodged.

My sorcerers answered back while the warriors rushed forward.

Behind Adae, I lunged forward to stab him in his back. Somehow Adae sensed me and disappeared, leaving behind a dark cloud of smoke.


“Fatou!” Azar shoved me to the right.

Adae had reappeared behind me with his sword in the air.

Azar swung Soul-Breaker at him.

Adae slipped under the blade and sliced Azar’s arms.

“No!” I rushed for Adae.

The wicked bastard sidestepped and came at me from behind.

I got Adae’s blade on my shoulder. A sharp pain burst through me.

Azar took over, allowing me to recover.

Azar slashed. Adae jumped over the sword and poked the side of Azar’s face. Blood trickled from his cheek.

Fireballs rained down on the hallway. Azar, me, and even Adae jumped out of the way. The only thing that comforted me was the those balls belonged to my fire sorcerers.

Azar and I kneeled and hid in the corner.

I searched for Adae. “Do you see him?”

“Not yet.” Azar rose.

I looked through the crowd of fighting people.

The warriors sliced and diced Adae’s sorcerers with their blades and knives. The warriors slammed heads into walls, breaking their necks and leaving them to be trampled underfoot.

The women grabbed the sorcerers and hurled them with such force that they ricocheted off the walls and into the barred doors.

Prisoners roared from their cells.

Zoe grabbed a few sorcerers, disappeared in a cloud of dust, and reappeared without them. Only God knew where Zoe was putting them.

And my fire sorcerers called more flames.

Still, more and more sorcerers entered in those crimson robes.

Can we beat them all?

Azar sneered. “Be ready and absolutely do not die.”

“I don’t plan to.”

“We have many kids to raise.”

I looked at him. “What?”

“At least fifty.”

“Excuse me?”

“There he goes!” Azar ran off.

I raced after him.

But, fifty kids?

Adae disappeared from in front of us.

I looked behind me.

Adae was already running at me with his sword, ready to slice my head off.

I jumped back, missing the blade by an inch.

Adae didn’t let up and came after me with more ferocity.

He slashed the air, and I saw the blade coming right at my neck.

Azar blocked Adae’s sword with Soul-Breaker.

I whipped around and stabbed Adae in the stomach.

Unbothered, Adae twisted away and tried to get me again.

Azar rose in the air and stabbed him in the shoulder with Soul-Breaker.

This time Adae roared in pain and ran in the opposite direction.

What? He ran away? And. . .he didn’t disappear.

Azar laughed and blurred after him. “Don’t leave just yet!”

I hurried after them, trying to keep up.

A monster howled in the path and stomped my way. He must have been over ten feet tall and five feet wide. It had three arms. The monster snarled at me, baring its fangs.

I readied myself to kill him.

Where the hell did you come from?

I spotted an open cell behind him.


Right when I thought the monster was about to attack me, he grabbed a sorcerer that I didn’t know was near, raised him in the air, and stuffed him in his mouth.

Even better.

I hurried off and yelled at my people, “Free the prisoners! They may help us!”

Zoe ran on my side. “May or will.”

“Let’s hope for will.” I got to the end of the cell’s hall and didn’t see Azar or Adae. However, the door was open.

I raced that way.

Zoe yelled after me, “Where are you going?!”

“Wherever they went. Just free the prisoners!”

I ran fast, so fast my legs ached. So fast my knees felt close to giving out. My heart pounded. Sweat dripped down the side of my face.


