Caressed by Sin – Love, Death, and Magic Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 78259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

I heard Azars growls from a circular stone staircase.

Then, Adae roared in pain some more.

And I sprinted up, at a speed I could barely comprehend. I was up those stairs in rush, skipping steps.

At the top of the stairs and near the landing, Azar and Adae battled in blurs of shimmering magic and colorful sparks. Their swords clanked. Smoke rose between them. Circling each other so fast I could barely make out who was who in the swirling magic.

What do I do?

I got to the top but did my best to stay out of the way. My plan was to help Azar anytime I could.

Adae staggered back, halting the battle. His robe fell from his frame in shreds and rained down on the floor.

His body. . .

Sores covered Adae’s shimmering skin. They oozed green liquid. And on his back were two long jagged scars that were at least six inches long and three inches wide.

Azar believed that Adae was an angel.

Did he cut off his wings long ago?

I turned to Azar.

My gorgeous demon was out of breath. His chest rose and fell in rapid movement. Sweat drenched his forehead. Blood trickled down his arms and chest.

Adae leaned against the wall. “You got me, but you cannot kill me.”

“Then, I will be satisfied with your being in pain.”

“Who returned the sword to you?”

Azar tilted his head to the side. “Does it matter?”

“I want to know which brother betrayed me.”

“Why? You can’t go to heaven and take your revenge.”

Adae glared. “Even if you killed me, I know what you have done.”

“What have I done?”

“You have angered Lilith. I have heard whispers. Lucifer hopes for you to breed with Fatou and take your kids to power his army.”


Azar shook his head. “No one will take our kids and no one of my blood will ever fight for Lucifer.”

“But you will, Azar. You were made for them.”

Azar frowned. “I am a child of God.”

Adae widened his eyes. Loud laughter left him.

And then suddenly Azar glowed a bright white that was almost painful to look at.

Oh my God.

My heart almost stopped.

Dark black wings spread out from his back.

And it looked like Azar was just surprised as Adae and me.

The wings were magnificent and covered in iridescent feathers that looked like they were made of metal. The edges of the feathers appeared to be translucent. Light shone through them like they were made of crystal.

Sadness spread across Adae’s face. “How?”

Azar’s wings stretched out above him as he prowled over to Adae.

“Please. . .tell me how?” Adae fell to the floor. Tears left those gold eyes. “How did you get God to forgive you?”

Azar stopped a foot in front of Adae. “Love.”

More tears left his eyes. Adae looked up. Sorrow coated his voice. “Love?”

“And faith.” Fast, Azar raised Soul-Breaker in the air and chopped Adae’s head off.

It fell to the floor.

I ran to Azar.

Exhausted, Azar dropped Soul-Breaker. The sword clanked to the floor.

I wrapped my arms around him.

He leaned his heavy weight on me. “I’m. . .out of it.”

“You should be.” I did my best to help him down to the ground. “You killed a fallen angel.”

Once sitting, he began to catch his breath. The wings disappeared.

I touched his back and only felt rippling hot muscle. “Will they come back?”

“I don’t know.”

“How. . .did they come in the first place?”

“It must have been God.”


“Yes. Adae destroyed Soul-Breaker and put me in a cell. In there, I ached for you more than I have ever. . .for anyone in all my years of life. I craved you. But there was more important things to think about. So, I lowered to my knees and prayed over and over and over.”

I blinked. “What did you pray for?”

“Your and Jade’s safety.”

“Oh, baby.” My eyes watered.

“An angel came. He brought me Soul-Breaker.”

I leaned away. “That’s probably what Adae was confused about. He said no living thing could come back from heaven.”

“He didn’t know that my child lived in the sword.” Azar gathered his arms around me. “The angel told me to have faith, and I did.”

I leaned my head against his shoulder. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“And. . .” I swallowed. “I am yours.”

“You’re damn right you are.”

“However. . .” I moved my head from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. “I am not having fifty kids.”

“We can compromise with twenty-five.”

“Absolutely not.”

Sound came from the steps.

I jumped up with my sword.

To my relief, my people appeared. Every last warrior stumbled over. Dried blood flaked from their brown skin. A few collapsed onto the ground and sighed.

The sorcerers and Zoe entered next looking just as tired.

Zoe spotted Adae’s decapitated head on the floor. “Awesome. Now we can go back to my castle.”

I rolled my eyes. “Your castle?”

“Well. . .it is home.”

Roars of pain sounded from below.

I raised my eyebrows. “What’s that?”


