Caressed by Sin – Love, Death, and Magic Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 78259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

“I let the monsters out like you said.” Zoe grinned. “And I grabbed many of the monsters and spirited them into the back of the castle where the vampires stay.”

I gripped my sword and headed that way. “I forgot about him. One more left.”

Zoe appeared in front of me. Dust rained down on my face. “Oh, don’t worry about him.”

“Why not?”

“I watched him get chomped in two by a big green monster.”

I frowned. “I had more questions.”

“And I have more time to spend with my drummers.” Zoe gestured for us to come his way. “Let’s go.”

Azar rose from the ground. “Drummers?”

“I’ll explain when we get there.” I held his hand.

Chapter 26

Family Ties


Zoe transported all of us back—women warriors, fire sorcerers, Fatou, and me.

We spun in a vortex of silver dust, swirling and tumbling, rising and tunneling.

Meanwhile, I had my right arm wrapped around Fatou’s waist.

Saved and free and with my love.

Excitement surged through me. I was ready to not only learn more about my sweet little fairy, but finally it was time to spend the rest of our lives together.

She risked her precious life for me—an old incubus demon.

My heart swelled with a love that was too much to contain. A lump filled my throat, and I could feel tears burning their way down my cheeks.

I will love and protect Jade and her forever. With every bit of my strength!

I was so overwhelmed with emotion.

In my past, I had had lovers and wives, but none had ever filled me with their love the way that Fatou had. None had ever healed me. And absolutely none had ever saved me.

She knew the risks and came anyway. My violent, strong hunter.

Our destination soon came. Zoe’s sparks of silver dust swirled slowly and then dissipated into nothing.

I wiped my eyes fast, not wanting anyone to see my tears of joy.

Slowly, my vision returned.

We stood inside of a hallway with long windows that showed the rising sun. I inhaled. The scent of cloves and leopard orchid mixed with the smell of ancient gold and flamed lilies.

What a wonderful smell for a magical castle?

Zoe did a dramatic bow. “Well. . .it has been eventful, but I must return to my drummers.”

Fatou smirked. “Thank you so much, Zoe.”

Then, she turned to the warriors and sorcerers. “Thank you all. This was a difficult mission, but with all of your help, we were victorious.”

One of the woman stepped up. “I will serve you any time you need, princess.”


I smiled.

I like that.

“Thank you.” Fatou stirred as if uncomfortable. “Now, you must return to my mother, before father discovers that you all helped me.”

I didn’t like the sound of that. Why would he be upset? And would I have to intervene? No one was to bother Fatou from this moment on.

The warriors and sorcerers nodded, and then they all headed away.

Once they disappeared, I turned to her. “You snuck away with them to help me?”

“I did.”

“And your father does not know?”

“He doesn’t.”

I closed the distance between us. “You are a very naughty fairy.”

She gazed up at me. “It’s because I’ve had a bad influence around me recently.”

“And now you will never get rid of me.”

“Good.” Her bottom lip quivered. “I was hoping that. . .we could continue this journey. . .together.”

“Oh, Fatou. All I want is you.” I breathed in the lush scent of her. “You are my happily ever after. Do you understand that we are now forever?”

She parted those lips. “Okay. Can we take this slow and—”

“There will be no taking it slow.”

She grinned. “Okay.”

“I want to give you the world.”

She blinked.

“You are a princess, so I plan to build you a castle, even bigger than this one. And there will be a garden surrounding it. So big that Jade will be laughing and running through it for days.”

Her eyes watered. “I don’t need a castle, Azar. I just need you.”

“Good, wherever we live it will be in paradise and for the rest of our lives.” I leaned her way. “Do you accept that?”

Those captivating eyes never wavered. “I do.”

Then, that enticing mouth tilted up in a smile.

“Fatou, I want to make you my wife.”

“I’m. . .” She exhaled. “I’m ready. . .for that too.”

“And there is my fertility switch—”

“Azar, let’s just start with the idea of marriage first and—”

“Idea? It will happen.”


“Soon.” A dark lustful growl left me. And then I captured that beautiful mouth.

The kiss was warm.




The kiss was a promise of more to come. It was tender, gentle, and delicate. It was sweet and beautiful, like our love. I held her close, feeling each curve and each valley, each plane of her body against my chest, my arms and my groin.

I could taste the flavor of life, love, and happiness on her tongue.

I kissed her deeper, laying claim to every part of her body. And then the dark beast of my desires rose and took over.


