Caressed by Sin – Love, Death, and Magic Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 78259 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 391(@200wpm)___ 313(@250wpm)___ 261(@300wpm)

“When we were climbing onto the yacht.” I trembled. “I tried to scream. He covered my mouth with his hand. Next thing I knew, a vision of me appeared behind you, climbed onto the yacht, and walked right next to you.”

Azar's face twisted with rage.

“Then. . .I remember being in a room with the Boto Brothers. Ferkos's hands were all over my breasts squeezing and. . .” I looked away. “His tongue was on my ear and I begin to feel something cold slipping into my pores. . .”

“That was the leslin. One of the Boto Brothers pushed it into you.”

“After that. . .I wanted Ferkos.” I closed my eyes. “I wanted all of them.”

A dark growl left him.

My bottom lip quivered. “It had all happened so fast.”

With one hand, he swept my locs over my left shoulder. “I wish I could kill them all again.”

“Thank you for saving me.”

“It's my fault that you got caught. I knew something was odd, but I continued forward—”

“You were trying to help me get my daughter.”

Silence moved between us.

Now. . .how will I get her back?

Azar had killed his friend, Ferkos—someone he had known much longer than me. He had also sliced up the Boto Brothers—the group of demons that could have paid off my husband's debt.

That act ruined all our plans to get my daughter back. Still, I was happy that he'd chosen my safety over his demon brethren.

“Fatou,” Azar whispered, bringing my attention back to him. “What’s wrong? You’re tense. I thought I’d released all of your tension yesterday.”

The edges of his lips curled into a smile. His eyes exuded heat as they left my face and traced my curves.

I shifted against him.

“Mmmm.” His cock stiffened under my thigh, as if ready to begin another session of passionate sex.

Shaking my head, I focused back on the branches. “I need to figure out another way to pay off the debt.”

He tensed under me.

“Can you take me down to the ground?” I asked.

“Hold on to me.”

I tightened my grip around him.

Then, the world spun around me. My stomach twisted. I was close to vomiting as a furious wind blew through my hair and sped past my flesh.

Azar embraced me and then suddenly, pure white sand surrounded us.

I blinked the dizziness away and realized we were on an island.

Where is the Amazon Rainforest?

I took in this paradise.

White sand stretched across the beach as far as I could see. The water was so clear that I could see tons of tiny fish glittering with rainbows of color beneath its surface. Light from the sun beamed down from above and glinted off its rippling surface. It was a beautiful image, and I felt my heart fill with warmth.

Birds squawked in palm trees.

Azar and I were the only people here.

I doubted many people visited since there were no footprints or litter, just untouched sand as far as I could see.

I turned and focused on Azar, trying not to get lost in his earthy scent or the golden skin that stretched over his hard muscles. “Where are we?”

“We are still in the Amazon. This is just an illusion.”

“Why did you pick the beach?”

“It reminds me of our time floating over the ocean.”

I blushed. “I'm surprised there aren't any dolphins.”

Suddenly, a family of dolphins swam by us.

Shocked I looked that way.

The shimmering water waved with their movement. A few jumped high out of the water and then dove back in.

I smiled.

“I like when you smile.”

I put my attention back on him.

“The other reason why we're on this beach is because. . .”

I arched my eyebrows.

“We need to have a difficult conversation.”


“I killed your last chance to release your daughter.”

“But. . .there must be other demons. Do you know any I could offer to Adae?”

“First things first.” He gazed at my body.

Small strips of pink leather materialized near me, swirling around my breasts and hips, attaching to my skin, and forming a bikini.

“Azar, there are more important things than a leather bikini.”

He smirked. “Yes. I know a demon that would get Adae to release your daughter.”

He blurred toward me and pressed his lips on mine.

I stumbled back, not wanting to fall too deep into the feelings I was beginning to have for him. So much had occurred between us, and each moment had pushed me further away from my mission of getting my daughter back.

I must focus.

I moved from him.

He returned to me fast and trailed his lips along the pointed tip of my ear. It tingled with excitement.

“Stop, Azar.” I held in a moan and ducked under his grip.

“Why?” He grinned and grabbed my arms, burying his face into my dreadlocks. His lips brushed the curve of my neck and then nibbled the area.

My bikini bottoms moistened as his hands slid down to my breasts and moved the bikini top away.


