With This Ring Read online Georgia Le Carre

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 86947 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 435(@200wpm)___ 348(@250wpm)___ 290(@300wpm)

When we arrived at her apartment in the Bronx, she finally turned to face me.

“Thanks for the ride,” she mumbled without meeting my gaze and turned to pull the latch open. It remained jammed.

She looked at me then. “I … it’s locked.”

I leaned forward and addressed the driver and bodyguard occupying the front passenger seat. “Leave,” I said in Russian, and they immediately got out of the car and closed the door shut behind them.

Only the two of us remained, and I could have sworn I heard the thumping of her heart against her chest. Without a word, my hand went to the buttons that held my tux together and I unfastened the top one.

“What are you doing?” she asked, her eyes wide with shock.

Silently I continued to undo the buttons of my white dress shirt.

She looked at my hands, her mouth slightly parted. When my shirt was open, I turned towards her. The wound was still fresh and pink, but it was healing quite well, with no sign of inflammation. I wanted her to see it so that she could get back to the wonderful, wild, stubborn, independent creature she was.

“See. I’m fine,” I said. “You can stop being so jittery now and get back to what you were.”

Her gaze was on the scarred flesh. “Does it still hurt a lot?” Her voice was barely a whisper.

I shook my head as I watched her watching me. My breathing hitched when I saw her hand lift. The seconds seemed to drag on forever as it reached for my skin, and then at the last moment it stopped mid-air.

“Can I?” she asked breathlessly.

“Of course.”

Her slender fingers brushed lightly across the wound.

“I’m so very sorry,” she whispered, and I saw her eyes fill with tears and roll down her cheeks. A warm drop fell onto my hand and for the longest time I just stared at the moisture on my skin. Finally, I lifted my gaze to hers and she leaned forward, and with a soft, shaky hand on my neck, slanted her head and kissed me.

The air was knocked out of my lungs.

In that moment, I could process nothing as her heated, delicious taste tangled with mine and set my blood roaring. The kiss went on and on, until like a dream it ended.

She had broken it off.

I couldn’t open my eyes. I didn’t want to. I was so full of longing. For so long I had wanted her. So long. My whole body ached for her. I wanted to see her without the red dress. I wanted to see her naked and impaled on my cock. Then I felt her begin to move away and my hand closed around hers. I pulled her back to me.

She melted against my hardness.

I sucked passionately on her bottom lip, and then slipped my tongue into her mouth. Her scent was heady and it made me feel unstable. The deviously sweet pleasure of her taste sent all the blood rushing from my brain and straight to my cock. It tore a moan out of me.

Before I could get myself together, she had moved and was sitting astride me.

My gaze shot open to meet hers, and this time around, she held it boldly. I understood exactly what she intended. There were no words needed.

In that moment, it felt as though I had been gifted the entire world.

I covered her lips with mine again, and gave her a hard kiss. There was gratitude in that kiss, because I didn’t think I could go on without this surrender from her. Then I began to trace sensual kisses of pure excitement and desire along her jaw.

Unsnapping a few buttons from her coat, I pushed it off her shoulders. Her nipples were straining against her dress. They were hard, just as I was, and alive to the deep attraction that crackled like static electricity between us. I felt my heart thunder in my chest. Her sex settled unashamedly against the bulge of my cock, and then she began to roll her hips against me.

I had dreamed about this intimacy for so long and so intensely that it almost felt unreal. As if I was hallucinating, but as her warm, sweet breath tickled my face, I knew I was not. This was real. Maybe I would only have this one time with her.

Swearing to make it one that we would both remember forever, I covered the silk covered hard bud with my mouth. Her moan sounded melodiously in the darkened car. The harsh light from the streetlamp was softened by the dark glass. It was the only thing illuminating us.

I needed to feel her skin against mine. I found the zip of her dress and pulled it down. She shrugged and the dress fell around her waist. I undid the clasp of her bra and tugged the material off her shoulders. Whoa! I felt my stomach flip at the sight of the breasts that I’d tried to picture through her clothes. Yeah, at least a million times.


